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Why Are You Doing Self Ruqya?

Version: 9th August 2020.
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Bismillah wa salatu wa salam ala Nabiyyina Muhammad

I was asked by RUQYA SUPPORT UK about what the main intention of ruqya treatment should really be and so I decided to put something together to explain the ruqya treatment intentions that should be used during self ruqya treatment.


Before looking at the intentions for self ruqya treatment, I think it is important to remind ourselves of why self ruqya is important and better than visiting a raqi:

1. Self ruqya is actually a sunnah that needs to be revived. Unfortunately, people run to raqis, whenever they have spiritual issues, rather than doing their own ruqya. The Nabi salulahu alayhi wasalam, NEVER visited raqis. He would do his own ruqya with surahs falaq and nass. Occasionally, others would offer to read on the Nabi salulahu alayhi wasalam and he would accept it and allow them to do ruqya on him salulahu alayhi wasalam……BUT HE WOULD NEVER ASK FOR RUQYA TO BE DONE ON HIM OR VISIT A RAQI. IN GENERAL, IT IS ONLY WEAK MUSLIMS WHO VISIT A RAQI. I HAVE NEVER SEEN OR MET A RAQI WHO HAS VISITED A ANOTHER RAQI AND THAT’S BECAUSE THE RAQI KNOWS THE SUNNAH AND BEST RUQYA IS SELF RUQYA.

2. Doing your own self ruqya means that you will be included among those people who will enter Jannah without any questioning or reckoning. Please see the link below for the evidence.

3. Self ruqya stops you falling into the shirk of believing the raqi has the cure. Ruqya is basically a dua of help to Allah and we all know that it is better for a Muslim’s iman and his relationship with Allah to call and ask Allah directly without asking others to do the dua for you because it stops you falling into shirk with people.

4. Because of what we mentioned in the previous point 3, we find from anecdotal evidence that self ruqya of a pious Muslim has much stronger effects than if the same Muslim had ruqya from a raqi. Sometimes, it might feel that the raqis ruqya has stronger effects. This usually occurs when the raqi is doing diagnosis (ie asking Allah to show signs or effects of a spiritual illness). This phenomenon or effect also occurs because the patient is concentrating carefully during the raqi’s ruqya session and is not occupied with actually reciting self ruqya himself so the patient has more time and energy to notice their subtle reactions to the raqi’s ruqya as compared to when he reads ruqya on himself.

5. You get more reward from Allah if you do your own self ruqya because you are reading the Quran. If you go to a raqi then he will get the reward for reading the Quran on you.

6. Your Iman will increase when you do self ruqya because it is act of worship.

Sins decrease Iman and strengthen possessing jinn. We know that possessing jinn thrive on sins so if you are a patient who has fallen into sins then the best action for you, after tauba, would be to do self ruqya because it will increase your Iman and at the same time weaken any possessing jinn that had benefited from your previous sins.

7. Self ruqya is totally free ie you don’t pay any money for it. It seems the going rate for ruqya from UK raqis is £50 to £60 per hour. In my opinion, for most Muslims, it would be better to do self ruqya and to spend that money in charity with the intention of seeking the cure because of the hadith:

 “Treat your sick ones with charity.” This was classed as hasan by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (3358)

Your family members can also pay this sadaqah on your behalf.

8. Self ruqya makes you independent and stops you relying on people for your cure or diagnosis. You can set the time and place for your self ruqya and you can also decide how long you are going to read the self ruqya for. Sadly, some people’s cure is delayed because they are not getting enough ruqya from their raqi or they can’t get an early appointment for diagnosis so they remain in limbo and are not sure what exactly they are suffering from.


Having the correct intentions makes a big difference in your self ruqya treatment as I have personally experienced. There was an unfortunate time during the early days of my own self ruqya treatment when I never really paid much attention to what my main intention and purpose for the ruqya was. I would just do ruqya with a very general and unfocused intention of curing whatever I was suffering from. I did not know how to diagnose myself or think about how important it really was to actually diagnose myself before doing any treatment. Sadly, there are many out there who still jump to treatment before diagnosing themselves. (Please read my article the Importance of Ruqya Diagnosis). Once I changed and diagnosed myself, I became more focused and I had much more precision in my intentions, the self ruqya I did, completely transformed and it became a very useful action that I benefited from immensely. I cannot explain in words the improvement I felt when I used the 7 intentions….THE MORE INTENTIONS YOU USE DURING YOUR RUQYA, THE STRONGER IT GETS!

Now, here is a very important question that everyone who is doing self ruqya treatment needs to answer. Sadly, it is a question that is overlooked by many patients and even raqis:

WHY ARE YOU DOING SELF RUQYA? (Ie what is the main reason you are doing self ruqya?)

Can you answer the above question before we continue? It seems very simple but in reality it isn’t! Take a few minutes……AND DON’T READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH UNTIL YOU ANSWER IT.


In my experience, I have found that some people don’t really know why they are doing ruqya, in the sense that the only reason they are doing ruqya is to eliminate the sihr/ayn/mass/waswaas etc, so they can have a better quality of life and live pain, grief and fear free. Yes, that is what is needed but the MAIN REASON for asking Allah to cure the sihr/ayn/mass/waswaas etc, is for you to RETURN TO BEING ABLE TO WORSHIP ALLAH, (subhanahu wa ta ala) THE BEST YOU CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES, IN ALL YOUR AFFAIRS ie get back to worshipping Allah properly again without any illnesses. This should be the main reason why you want to do the ruqya. Then after that, for your health, to get married, have a child, rectify your marriage or other problems the sihr/ayn/mass/waswaas etc are causing you, as they are all also part of worship, but the main reason, first and foremost, is so you can worship Allah properly ie the best you can and fulfill the purpose for why He (subhanahu wa ta ala) created us:

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.
[Qur’an 51:56]

وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ


It is surprising to actually hear the response of patients when you ask them what is the main reason for doing ruqya. To date, we have not heard anyone give us the correct reason. They all point to the secondary matters and do not even mention WORSHIP! I do not think I have even heard anyone saying that they are doing ruqya so they can return to praying salah properly. Hence the importance of getting this knowledge out there.



Or you can use the shorter version: Practical Self Ruqya PART 7.1 to 7.6 (a series of 6 very short videos, describing ruqya diagnosis & treatment)

Regarding how to work out who the sahir is or who the ayn perpetrator is or where the taweez is,  then I suggest that you watch my latest video (link below), where I teach and explain how we can use specific ruqya diagnosis to find out this information.

You should also read “NB (30) ADVANCED SPECIFIC RUQYA DIAGNOSIS” at the end of my article “7 Rules for Specific Ruqya” to get some written instructions on this diagnoses. In there, I mention the steps and intentions you can follow to identify the sahir. These steps can also be used to identify the ayn and hasad perpetrators by just changing the word “sahir” in the intention to “ayn perpetrator”. I also mention the steps and intentions to find the taweez.

Once you know what you are suffering from, then you will be able to make the necessary intentions. YOU MAY ONLY NEED TO USE A FEW OF THE INTENTIONS BELOW or ALL OF THEM…….that will all depend on what you diagnose yourself with.

For those patients who are worried about using the methods found and taught in ‘Practical Self Ruqya’ then please read this article that explains why there is nothing wrong with our methods or techniques:


Make these 7 duas below your intentions while reading sura Falaq & Nass. There is no need to raise your hands and make a dua using these intentions before the actual ruqya. These intentions were written in a form of a dua to make it easy for patients to understand what they need to do. These intentions are NEVER articulated or said but naturally occur in your heart and therefore the actual MEANING of the duas become your intentions, not the literal wording of the dua. YOU MAY USE YOUR OWN WORDINGS BUT MAKE SURE THE MEANINGS ARE THERE! You don’t have to keep stopping and thinking about these intentions while reading sura Falaq & Nass. It is just like the prayer. You make the intention to pray dhur at the beginning of the prayer and that’s it! You don’t keep stopping and thinking about dhur intention during the prayer. (Ruling on uttering the intention (niyyah) in acts of worship )






(5*) All other illnesses that I am suffering from SO THAT I CAN WORSHIP YOU, THE BEST I CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES.


(6*) BURN (DESTROY or KILL) every possessing jinnee inside my body SO THAT I CAN WORSHIP YOU, THE BEST I CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES.

(7*) BURN or DESTROY every external Sihr Network (SEE FOOTNOTE 4) and every external Hasid (Hasd) Network (SEE FOOTNOTE 5) that I’m connected to SO THAT I CAN WORSHIP YOU, THE BEST I CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES.

Read sura falaq & nass as a pair 7 times with the above intentions in your heart. After reading a set of 7 pairs, blow into your cupped hands with a little air and spittle and then wipe your face and body.
DO THIS AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. Ideally, it would be better to do the self ruqya treatment for at least 1 hour a day (3 x 20mins a day) and also to follow this self treatment plan: Self Ruqya Treatment Plan


It is important to know that the Shariah has NOT fixed the number of spiritual ailments we can suffer from. Therefore, we can discover NEW spiritual ailments such as the 3 examples above (waswaas conditioning, sihr network illness & hasd network illness). A new or old spiritual illness can never be a bidah because it is not an act of worship that we use to get close to Allah.

We can also define or describe these NEW spiritual ailments in our own words as I have done and even invent new forms of treatment to cure them. None of these four areas: discovering, defining, describing or treating NEW spiritual illnesses are a bidah! Because they aren’t acts of worship! 

1. Ayn: There are two types of ayn. Ayn mutajjib (evil eye of amazement) and Ayn hasid or hasd (evil eye of envy). The former is usually given to the victim by loved ones or the victim can give it to themselves and is due to a positive trait or characteristic that is seen in the victim. The latter is given to the victim by an envious person that hates seeing a positive trait or characteristic in the victim. Obviously, the latter is worse. There is another form of ayn muttajjib that is hardly discussed and that is the evil eye of amazement that occurs due to somebody being shocked and surprised at a negative trait or characteristic. Therefore, you can be afflicted with ayn muttajjib for looking ‘beautiful’ or ‘handsome’ and you can also get it for being ‘ugly’ or ‘disgusting’.

2. Waswaas Conditioning: There are two types of waswaas. Normal waswas or Type 1 waswas that doesnt need ruqya treatment and it doesn’t react to ruqya diagnosis, which is the most common, and Type 2 that does need ruqya treatment and reacts to ruqya diagnosis. Type 1 is an evil thought whispered by a shaytan or evil person which you just ignore (it can also be in the form of a temporary evil feeling or emotion generated by the qareen or possessing jinnee). Type 2 is basically formed from Type 1. It is formed when Type 1 has been repeated several times so that the person gets psychologically conditioned (occasionally just one incident can cause waswaas conditioning because the qareen or possessing jinn keep reminding the patient of the incident thereby conditioning the patient). This waswaas Type 2 manifests itself as phobias, panic attacks, evil obsessions, obsessive compulsive disorders (OCD) and probably other mental illnesses. ALL THIS CAN OCCUR WITHOUT JINN POSSESSION. This Type 2 waswaas or waswaas conditioning is the one that requires ruqya AND IT CAN’T JUST BE IGNORED.

Waswas Conditioning may be defined as a type of Psychological Conditioning that reacts to or can be detected by ruqya diagnosis and because of this reaction to ruqya, it is a spiritual illness. We believe that Not every psychological conditioning, as defined by psychologists and psychiatrists, will react to ruqya diagnosis, hence, not every psychological conditioning is waswas conditioning. It seems that the normal waswas Type 1 gets transformed into waswas conditioning by the psychological conditioning of the qareen and possessing jinn and Allah knows best. So those instances of psychological conditioning that react to ruqya diagnosis are probably only those instances that were caused by the qareen and possessing jinn in the first place.

3. Burn or Destroy or Kill Ruqya: Basically, burn, destroy or kill ruqya is just a request in the form of an intention, asking Allah to burn or destroy or kill, which basically have all the same meaning. So we make the intention to ‘burn or destroy the jinn to death’ or ‘burn or destroy the sihr or hasd networks’ ie we make the intention that we want Allah to burn or destroy the jinn and the sihr or hasd networks via our reading of the Quran as ruqya treatment to cure us so Allah burns or destroys them because that was our intention in our hearts for reading the ruqya treatment.

4. Sihr Network: This is basically everything to do with sihr that is outside the victim’s body. The sihr in the victim and possessing jinn (if the victim has sihr with possession) are directly connected by an invisible sihr pathway that comes out of the victim’s body and connects to the sihr on the taweez and then this same sihr on the taweez itself is connected to jinn of sihr inside the sahir. The sihr network is an elaborate system that is all interconnected together. By reading burn ruqya on that part of sihr network that is immediately in front of the patient, the ruqya will travel and affect the other parts of the sihr network and then the ruqya may cause jinn to be released from the network, who then may go on and attack the sahir. We have seen from experience that if the sihr victim has strong iman, then his burn or destroy ruqya can cause the whole sihr network to crash, thereby undoing all or most of the sihr the sahir has done to the victim. The reason the jinn of sihr are able to find their victims is because of this sihr network; once it is damaged or destroyed, the sahir will have difficulty to send more jinn to the victim. When you actually read burn or destroy ruqya on the sihr network, you are asking Allah to actually burn up the unseen sihr force and jinn of sihr that surround, cover or are inside things that make up the sihr network like the sihr on the taweez or the jinn inside sahir i.e you aren’t actually reading on the sahir himself but your ruqya affects the jinn inside him and you aren’t reading on the physical parts of the taweez itself but rather the sihr force that is covers the taweez and which makes it active. By reading burn ruqya, you basically deactivate the system’s sihr force and kill its jinn or you cause jinn of sihr to be released. From experience, we have seen that if the jinn inside the sahir are killed by burn or destroy ruqya or they decide to escape then all of the sihr networks that the sahir has established will have been destroyed and all his victims will be cured or find some relief from their sihr affliction. Hence the importance of reading burn ruqya on the sihr network. HAVING SAID ALL THAT, WE DON’T ASK FOR ANY HELP OR ASSISTANCE FROM THE JINN. IF THE JINN DECIDE TO ATTACK THE SAHIR, THEN THAT IS UP TO THEM AS WE DIDN’T REQUEST IT. WE ONLY ASK ALLAH TO BURN / DESTROY THE SIHR NETWORK AND WHATEVER IT IS MADE UP OF OR WHATEVER IT CONTAINS (BECAUSE THESE THINGS ARE AFFECTING YOU AND ARE PART OF YOUR SIHR ILLNESS), AND WE LEAVE THE REST TO ALLAH.



Ruqya is only diagnosis and treatment, and therefore you cannot make the intention ‘destroy the sahir’ and add it to your ruqya treatment intentions because this intention itself is neither diagnosis or treatment and that is because the sahir is not a disease. ‘How can a human be a disease that we are suffering from’!

(A HUMAN CAN NEVER BE PART OF ANY OF YOUR SPIRITUAL ILLNESSES BECAUSE THE HUMAN CAN BE SEEN WITH THE NAKED EYE AND IS NOT PART OF THE UNSEEN). THE SAHIR ISN’T  PART OF YOUR SIHR NETWORK ITSELF AND HE IS ALSO AT A DISTANCE. READING RUQYA AT A DISTANCE IS A BIDAH. However, the unseen jinn in the sahir are part of your sihr illness and are in the sihr network because they are connected to you and they do get affected by the ruqya even though they are at a distance. This is similar to when a raqi reads on a taweez and the distant possessing jinn or sihr in the patient get affected by the ruqya on the taweez.

Also, don’t make the intention to destroy or read ruqya on the taweez because the taweez is not in front of you and it is at a distance. RUQYA OVER DISTANCE IS A BIDAH.

The taweez material is NOT part of your sihr illness because it can be seen with the naked eye and is NOT part of the unseen. It is the unseen sihr force or energy that covers the taweez that is part of your sihr illness and that is what you are connected to directly via a invisible sihr pathway that comes out of your body. This pathway and the sihr energy that covers the taweez are a part of the sihr network and are affected by your ruqya treatment.

Humans and taweez materials or anything physical can never be a part of our spiritual illnesses because the definition of a spiritual illness is that it is ‘unseen’, ‘not physical’ and that it ‘reacts to ruqya’ and obviously a human, taweez material or anything physical don’t have these three characteristics.

To understand these concepts, PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE BELOW.

PLEASE NOTE THAT MORNING AND EVENING ADHKAR MUST BE READ SO THAT THE SAHIR CANT WORK OUT WHERE OR WHO IS DOING THIS BURN RUQYA ON HIS SIHR NETWORK!  (If you have diagnosed yourself with sihr then you must read burn ruqya on the sihr network because the sihr network is part of your sihr illness)

From experience, when you read ruqya on the sihr network, you may find people enquiring and asking about your health and your life in general. These people may be distant relatives or people who you haven’t seen for a long time. These people may be the ones who requested the sihr to be done on you or they may actually be the sahirs. You must not disclose any information to them about doing ruqya and just say to them that everything is fine without lying.

From experience, It seems, and Allah knows best, that the ruqya on the sihr network affects the jinn that work for the sahir and then these jinn want relief from this ruqya so they attack sahir because they know that the patient is difficult to approach because of their adhkar.

For an explanation of why reading on the sihr network isn’t a bidah. Please read this article: Reading on the Sihr Network isn’t a Bidah

The concept of reading on the sihr network can be confusing. I think it is important to try to explain this concept even futher in this section of the article. That is because if it is not understood correctly then it may make a patient fall into bidah of thinking that they are actually reading ruqya treatment on the sahir, himself, which is not true.
I hope what I say now clarifies exactly what I mean by: “reading ruqya on the sihr network BUT NOT THE SAHIR HIMSELF”.

When you do your self ruqya treatment on the sihr network, you are NOT reading ruqya on the sahir himself to get to the jinn in him. If you did think this then THIS WOULD BE AN INCORRECT UNDERSTANDING. Your ruqya actually gets to the jinn in the sahir through the sihr network only. IT DOES NOT GO THROUGH THE SAHIR TO THE JINN. It goes a completely different way. It goes along the sihr network and then it hits the jinn in the sahir so basically the sahir is by-passed. Yes, the sahir will probably start jumping around and react to the jinn in him being affected by your ruqya on the sihr network (as we have heard from anecdotal evidence) but that still does not mean you are really reading ruqya on the sahir.

To help you understand this concept, let us consider the sihr network pathway that comes out of your body. Now, the pathway goes through air, walls in your home, and probably some of your furniture and then leaves your house and travels through buildings and other man-made structures, maybe even forests and other natural things and then through the soil, to finally connect to the taweez in the earth, somewhere in the world (the taweez could also be put in a well, pond or hung on a tree and other places). This is just a summary but it is very long and elaborate journey that the the sihr network pathway goes through to connect to the taweez. NOW, when you read ruqya treatment to destroy this pathway, are you making any intention to destroy your walls or furniture which the pathway travels through? Obviously, you are not because these things are not part of your sihr illness. Yes, the sihr network pathway directly travels or goes through these things BUT that does not make these things part of the sihr network pathway or even part of your sihr illness. Likewise, the sahir is NOT part of your sihr illness so you don’t make any intention to destroy him. Just like you accept that you are not reading ruqya on your walls or maybe some tree or soil that the pathway travels through, then similarly, you are NOT reading ruqya on the sahir because you have NOT made that intention to read on him, just like you did not make any intention to destroy your walls with ruqya. Hence, if you are not making any intention to destroy your walls during self ruqya treatment then by default you are definitely not reading ruqya on your walls. The hadith is clear: “Actions are by intentions”, and so if you did not make the intention to destroy your walls during self ruqya, then by default, that action does not exist in reality. The same applies to the sahir. If you did not make any intention to destroy the sahir then by default you are not reading ruqya on him.
Did you know that people and even friends and family will walk across your sihr network pathway or they may actually stand in it, temporarily, while they are in your house or next to you? If you read self ruqya treatment on the sihr network, while they do this: Are you reading ruqya on them? OBVIOUSLY NOT! That is because you are not making any intention for that, just like your walls and furniture, because you yourself know that your friends and family are NOT part of your sihr illness. Think of the intention! This is the key to understanding this issue.
Let us give you another example to help you understand this concept. Imagine you are in one country and the sahir is in another. Your friend, who is in the same country as the sahir, and who knows who the sahir is, sees the sahir going into an underground train station and he actually sees him going onto a train from the platform and then he sees the train leave the station and enter an underground tunnel with the sahir on it. While all of that was happening, you were busy doing your self ruqya treatment with the 7 intentions and obviously you were reading on the sihr network. Your friend suddenly calls you from the station and tells you to STOP your self ruqya treatment on the sihr network because the sahir has just boarded a train and the train has entered a tunnel and he tells you that if you carry on with your ruqya then you are doing a bidah because you are now reading ruqya on the train itself, the tunnel structure and other man-made structures and some passengers, who are sitting next to the sahir because your sihr network pathway passes through some of these things and people. WOULD YOU STOP YOUR SELF RUQYA ON THE SIHR NETWORK? Do you agree that you are actually reading ruqya treatment on the train and tunnel or even the passengers? Obviously, you are definitely not because you did not make the intention to read on those things! If that is the case, then why do you allow the shaytan to confuse you and make you think that you are actually reading ruqya on the sahir himself, when he is no where near you and he is actually in another country and you did not even make the intention to read on him. As you can see, it all comes down to intentions. Your intention is NOT to read on the sahir and that is the main point! Therefore, even if the enemy sahir is in the same room as you or near you and you read ruqya on yourself to destroy the sihr network then this would be completely permissible to do because you have not made the intention to read ruqya on him because he is not your patient and he is not part of your sihr illness even though the jinn in him are affecting you but we still don’t consider the sahir himself to be personally affecting you. Hence, we do not see him as a spiritual disease. So the issue here is really to do with understanding the intention of the ruqya treatment and what it is exactly targeting and also the definition of what a spiritual disease is.
Let us give you one last example which I believe will finally close any doubts on this topic and make you understand this concept that I am trying to teach.
Imagine, your sihr network pathway ends in a house and the jinnee at the end of the network is NOT in a human sahir but it is in an abandoned house. This can happen when the jinnee itself choses to do the sihr on a victim and therefore they do not need a human for that. In fact, jinn do not need any human to do sihr on a human. They can do that themselves. Humans need the help of jinn to do sihr because humans cannot do it by themselves.
Now in this particular case, when you make the intention to ask Allah to destroy the sihr network, including the jinnee in the house, are you making any intention to destroy the house? Obviously, you are not because a house cannot be part of your sihr illness. How can a house be an illness that you suffer from? Obviously, it can never be an illness! Just because the jinnee is in the house, this does not turn the actual house into a spiritual disease. Yes, the sihr network pathway goes through the walls of the house to connect to the jinnee in the house BUT that does not make the walls and the actual house a part of the sihr network pathway or even your own sihr illness. Similarly, the fact that there are jinn in the sahir which you are connected to, it does not mean that the sahir has become a spiritual disease. How can a human (sahir) be an illness that you actually suffer from? Obviously, the sahir can be never an illness! So basically, the jinn in the sahir are just like the jinnee in the house. Or to put it another way, the body of the sahir is just like the abandoned house. You will not accept me telling you that you are reading ruqya on the house, then likewise you shouldn’t accept anyone telling you that you are reading ruqya on the sahir when you are not and that is because you did not make any intention for that.
Once the sihr network is down then you will no longer affect the jinn in the sahir because you are not connected to them. This clearly shows that your affect on the jinn in the sahir is really only through the sihr network and once it is down, your ruqya no longer has an effect on the jinn in the sahir. If the sihr network was not the only means for taking the ruqya to the jinn in the sahir, then it should be possible to get to the jinn in the sahir even when the sihr network is down. However, we know that is impossible and not even permissible to do. That is because once the sihr network is down then the jinn in the sahir are not connected to you anymore and so they are no longer part of your sihr illness and therefore, you cannot read ruqya on them because they are not affecting you ie you are not suffering from them anymore. Here, you can see how important it is to define a spiritual disease and to know when it can no longer be defined as a spiritual disease and also when ruqya can no longer be read on something. Knowing this information is very important because: RUQYA IS ONLY FOR DISEASES. Therefore, in general, you cannot read ruqya on something that is not part of your spiritual disease.
What we have mentioned here, is also applicable to the taweez. The physical taweez material itself is NOT part of your sihr illness but it is the sihr force that covers the taweez which is part of the sihr network and therefore it is part of your sihr illness. Hence, you can make the intention to destroy the sihr force that covers the taweez BUT you can’t ask Allah during your self ruqya to destroy the taweez itself.
Obviously, outside of ruqya, you can make a separate dua asking Allah to destroy the taweez and even the sahir as this is not considered ruqya but just a normal dua we generally make to Allah.


I have inadvertently caused some confusion for some patients when I try to describe the concept of reading ruqya on the sihr network. I sometimes use the word “connected” when I try to describe the relationship between the different components that make up the sihr network or even the hasad network. Now, since this term “connected” is ambiguous and not properly defined by myself, some patients have followed their own understanding of this term and it has led them to actually think that they are reading ruqya treatment on the sahir and taweez. This understanding of theirs is totally wrong and needs to be clarified by myself.
In my videos, I have used the term and I felt that using the simple term “connected” would make things easier for people but in fact it has probably made it worse for some people.
Let us go and explain this idea or concept of not being connected to the sahir or taweez in a literal sense.
There is NO personal connection between you, the patient, and the sahir. You are NOT physically connected to each other because there is NOTHING physical between you both.
You are NOT spiritually connected to each other as well. Your souls are NOT connected to each other and they are not even touching each other. There is no part of your own soul that comes out of your body and connects with the soul of the sahir.
To summarise, what we have just said: You are NOT physically or spiritually connected to the sahir.
What we mean here by “connected” is being a part of something else. We don’t just mean connected in the “touching” sense. So the sahir and you are NOT part of each other and thus you are not literally connected to each other. Therefore, we should not say that we are connected to the sahir because this implies that there is some sort of physical or spiritual relationship between the two, when in reality there isn’t one. We can say this because the sahir is not literally affecting you or harming you and we know this because the sahir himself is not defined as a disease that you can suffer from. Hence, you don’t need to read ruqya on him.
Now, the sihr in your body is affecting your body, physically and spiritually BUT it is not part of your body or soul. We know this because we can remove it from your body. If it had become part of your body then we would not be able to remove it. Yes, it can be difficult to remove but the fact that it can be removed, in the end, means that it has not become part of the human body.
Sihr can NEVER become literally part of your body and that is because it is something foreign. Our food and drink can become part of our bodies when they have been digested but sihr, jinn and other spiritual diseases can’t be digested and therefore they will never assimilate into our bodies. Even the sihr that has been put on food will not assimilate. The food that has had the sihr on it, may assimilate partially into our bodies but the sihr on the food, itself, won’t and that is because the sihr is an unseen energy or force that is foreign to the body and the body has absolutely no use for it. It is not nutritious to the body, nor is it beneficial to our souls. Hence, the body naturally and automatically tries to eject it via vomiting or bowel movements whenever it gets the opportunity, especially when ruqya is administered.
The best way to describe this sihr in your body, is to see the sihr as an undigested piece of plastic. Now, this undigested piece of plastic in your stomach affects you physically but it is NOT part of your stomach or body. Likewise, the sihr, in you, is affecting you but it is not part of your body or organs. We can also say that it is not connected to your body or organs. It is touching your stomach walls but it is not connected to your stomach walls.
To make it clearer to you, here is a very good example of what I mean so that you understand the concept of NOT being connected to the sahir. Let us imagine that there is a very long plastic rope. One end of the plastic rope is inside your mouth and the other end of the plastic rope is inside the sahir’s mouth. The two ends of the plastic rope are part of the same substance (plastic) and therefore, they are connected to each other ie they are part of each other. Now, the plastic rope, in your mouth, is affecting you, eg, gum disease and ulcers. It is not part of your mouth literally and therefore you are not connected to it but it is still causing you harm. Just because the other end of the rope is in the sahir’s mouth, can we say that your mouth and the sahir’s mouth have become one and are now connected to each other and are now a part of each other? No, we can’t say that and that is because neither of your mouths are literally connected to plastic rope itself at your respective ends, so if you are not connected at your end of the rope then how can you be connected to what is at the other end of the rope! The rope does not biologically make your mouths into one big mouth. You still have separate mouths even though you share the same plastic rope. The only time we can say that your mouths are connected, would be if your mouths and jaws became elongated and fused together, then we can say that you are connected but obviously this is impossible. So don’t think that your mouth has become part of the sahir’s mouth, just because you share a plastic rope.
If you think of this above example and apply it to the sihr network pathway then we can say that in you there is sihr and also there is sihr in the sahir. These two pieces of sihr have between them an invisible sihr network pathway that connects the two pieces of sihr. These two pieces of sihr and the invisible sihr pathway are part of the same unseen energy or force (sihr) and they are therefore connected to each other ie they are part of each other. Now, the sihr in your body, is affecting you, eg, skin diseases and ulcers. It is not part of your body and therefore you are not connected to it, but it is still causing you harm. Just because the other end of the sihr network pathway is in the sahir’s body, can we now say that your body and the sahir’s body have become one and are now connected to each other and are now a part of each other? No, we can’t say that and that is because neither of your bodies are literally connected to the sihr itself at your respective ends, so if your body is not connected to your own sihr at your end of the sihr network pathway, then how can you be connected to the sahir’s body at the other end of the sihr network pathway, when the sahir himself is not connected to his own sihr! The sihr does not biologically make your bodies into one big body. You still have separate bodies even though you share the same sihr. The only time we can say that your bodies are connected, would be if your bodies and organs became elongated and fused together, then we can say that you are connected but obviously this is impossible. So don’t think that your body has become part of the sahir’s body, just because you share the same sihr. 
Let us look at another example. Imagine, you are on the same road as the sahir. You can see him and he can see you. You are both sharing the same air which is between you both and which touches you both. The same air circulates around you both and depending on the wind, you may breath in and exhale each others air or at least some air molecules. Because of this interaction with the air and standing in the same air and even maybe breathing in the same air, does this mean that you are connected to the sahir ie your bodies are one? Obviously, not. Likewise, just because there is some interaction and activity between the sihr in you and the sihr in the sahir, it does not mean you are literally connected to the sahir and that he is a part you.
Finally, let us look at this last example. Imagine, you are standing, bare footed, on one end of a plank of wood and the sahir is standing, bare footed, on the other end of the plank of wood. In this situation, have your bodies become connected or a part of each other? Obviously, not. It is exactly the same for the sihr network.
In summary, we should not say that “I am connected to the sahir” or “My body is connected to the sahir’s body” but we should say that “My sihr in me is connected to the sihr in the sahir” and “My sihr in me is connected to the sihr on the taweez”. This would make things clearer and stop us from thinking that we are actually reading ruqya on the sahir and the taweez from a distance.
Just because something is inside you and affecting you ie harming you, it does not necessarily mean that it is literally connected to you and has become a part of your body. Likewise, if something is touching you or touching the inside of your body, it does not mean that it has become connected to you and has become a part of your body.
The point of all of this discussion is to prove to patients that their bodies are NOT physically or spiritually connected to the sahir’s body. It is the sihr in the patient that is connected to the sihr in the sahir and the sihr on the taweez.
What we have mentioned here is also applicable to the hasad network.


Considering what we have mentioned above, when you read ruqya on yourself to destroy the sihr network, you should make the intention to ‘destroy sihr network’, which includes all of those parts of the sihr that are outside of your body and they are:

1. The invisible sihr pathway that is just outside of your body and connects your sihr in your body to the sihr on the taweez.

2. The invisible sihr pathway that connects the sihr on the taweez to the jinn of sihr in the sahir.

3. The sihr force or energy that covers the taweez but NOT the physical taweez itself.

4. The jinn of sihr inside the sahir’s body but NOT the sahir himself.

5. Any other sihr that is outside of your body and directly or indirectly affects you and is connected to you.

As you can see from the above definition, the sihr network is: WHATEVER of your sihr that is outside of your body.

You should have the above definition of the sihr network in your understanding, when you read ruqya treatment on the sihr network. You will direct your ruqya treatment onto the invisible sihr pathway(s) that is in front of you and then the ruqya treatment will travel from there and affect the rest of the sihr network(s). You just need to make the intention to destroy the sihr network and leave the rest to Allah. There is no need to know exactly where the invisible sihr pathway comes out of your body.

When I did this ruqya treatment for the 3 hours over a few days, I got disconnected from the sihr network and the sihr jinnee inside me became very weak and then I removed it with hijama……it is amazing what a simple intention can do!

5. Hasid (Hasd) Network: We have seen that there is an invisible hasad connection between the eyes of the hasid (person who gives the victim the evil eye of envy) and the hasad illness in the victim. It is like an unseen beam that comes out of the hasid’s eyes and hits the victim, causing him to get hasad. This unseen beam from the eyes of the hasid stays connected to the victim’s hasad illness even after many years from the initial hasid attack. There is also an invisible connection between the victim of hasid and his wife or personal things such as his car, which people are jealous of him having. This network is not as elaborate as the Sihr Network but it still causes problems since not reading burn or destroy ruqya on it, we believe is one of the reasons, why hasad can take a long time to be cured via just normal ayn ruqya as the patients are not treating this network. By reading burn or destroy ruqya on these hasad connections, patients have gotten tremendous relief from their affliction and the hasad that they have been suffering from for years is now weakening by the Rahma of Allah. When you read destroy or burn ruqya on the hasad network, you are not actually reading ruqya on the hasid himself but on the hasad connections that make up the hasad network because the human hasid is not part of your hasad illness (A HUMAN CAN NEVER BE A PART OF ANY OF YOUR SPIRITUAL ILLNESSES BECAUSE A HUMAN IS NOT PART OF THE UNSEEN) nor is he a part of your hasad network and the human hasid is also at a distance. So please don’t make any intention to read ruqya on or destroy the hasid as that would be a bidah because of the distance and because he is not a disease you can suffer from.

Humans and taweez materials or anything physical can never be a part of our spiritual illnesses because the definition of a spiritual illness is that it is ‘unseen’, ‘not physical’ and that it ‘reacts to ruqya’ and obviously a human, taweez material or anything physical don’t have these three characteristics.

To understand these concepts PLEASE READ THE ARTICLE ABOVE

(If you have diagnosed yourself with ayn then you must read burn ruqya on the hasd network). WE HAVE NOT SEEN ANY NETWORK FOR AYN MUTTAJJIB (EVIL EYE OF AMAZEMENT)


When you need read ruqya treatment on the hasd network to destroy it, then you need to include the following in your definition of the hasd network:

1. The invisible hasad pathway that is just outside of your body and connects your hasad illness in your body to the hasad in the human hasid.

2. The invisible hasad pathway that connects the hasad in your body to the hasad on a hasad object(s) (eg, your spouse or personal belongings)

3. The hasad force or energy that is on or covers the hasad object but NOT the object itself as that can’t be a disease.

4. The main hasad that is in the human hasid perpetrator’s body and which is the source of the problem but not the hasid himself because a human can’t be part of your spiritual ailments because a human is not part of the unseen and can never be a disease.

5. You may be a victim of hasid in one hasad network and you can also be a hasad object in another completely different hasad network as well. So please bear this in mind.

6. Any other hasad that affects you and is outside of your body and is directly or indirectly connected to your hasad illness in your body.

As you can see from the above definition, the hasad network is: WHATEVER of your hasad illness that is outside of your body.

You should have the above definition of the hasad network in your understanding, when you read ruqya treatment on the hasad network. You will direct your ruqya treatment onto the invisible hasad pathway(s) that is in front of you and then the ruqya treatment will travel from there and affect the rest of the hasad network(s). You just need to make the intention to destroy the hasad network and leave the rest to Allah. There is no need to know exactly where the invisible hasd pathway comes out of your body.

NB: Please note that Wallahi, I swear by Allah that non of the information or knowledge in this article, especially about the Sihr and Hasad networks, was taken or obtained from speaking to jinn. All this information was gathered over a period of time and involved me speaking to patients, doing specific ruqya, logical deductions & conclusions, my personal experience of treating myself, my experience of treating patients and seeing how they would react, indirectly getting information about sahirs’  conditions after burn ruqya on sihr networks, speaking to my fellow raqi and colleague and discussing issues with him and using his experience, etc.

I needed to say this because I know that patients will in’sha’Allah benefit from these intentions and I also know that some shayateen will give some people  waswaas (This being a type 1 waswaas – that doesn’t need ruqya. See my explanation above) regarding what I have said, making people doubt the information and probably whisper to the people that this information can ONLY come from jinn or even worse that I must be an Ex-sahir to know all this stuff or that I am a sahir (I seek refuge in Allah from all that) and then, because of this type 1 waswaas, people don’t use this information and knowledge to benefit themselves, their family, friends and other Muslims.

The fact a Sheikh hasn’t heard of a sihr or hasad network or even waswaas type 2 doesn’t mean they don’t exist! There are scholars who don’t believe in ayn mutajjib (evil eye of amazement ) but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist! (I don’t think I know any raqi who disputes the existence of ayn mutajjib) These same scholars probably won’t believe in someone giving himself ayn mutajjib because they don’t believe in ayn mutajjib. Them not believing in this phenomenon doesn’t mean it can’t occur. There will probably be scholars who don’t believe that jinn can be removed from a patient’s body via hijama or the fact that possessing jinn can be killed, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. There are no hadiths about removing jinn from a patients body via hijama. Obviously, the first person to do this treatment probably realised that the jinn weren’t residing too deep inside a victim’s circulatory system. Him realising this fact (that the jinn aren’t in deep veins of the body) and others not knowing about it, doesn’t mean the one who discovered this fact has done a bidah or that this fact can’t be true because some  Sheikh doesn’t know about it.
Likewise, the existence and treatment of a sihr network  or hasad network or waswaas type 2 isn’t dependant on a particular Sheikh acknowledging my method before we need to use it as it has nothing to do with worship and is ONLY a method of treatment… the sihr and hasd network and waswaas conditioning are NOT acts of worship and therefore they can NEVER be a bidah. They are spiritual  diseases and treating them with ruqya is NOT a bidah, just like treating cancer or diabetes with ruqya is not a bidah.

And with Allah alone is the success and cure.

For more info: You may contact me on:

[email protected]

Wa salamu alaykum

Saeed Abdullah ابوالقاسم سعيد عبدالله