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Self Ruqya Treatment Notes

Version: 4th January 2024.

DISCLAIMER: This is from the writer’s own experience. The writer will not be held responsible for any repercussions that may occur if his advice is practiced. Please read the terms of use at the bottom of the page.


Bismillahi walhamdulilah wa salatu wa salam ala rasulilah.

As a patient, you need to understand that you have to spend some time studying the materials on my website, especially in this article, before you can actually do your self ruqya treatment. Please don’t rush or get frantic. There is no way around it. You need to carefully read this article below before you can actually start your self ruqya treatment. You need to understand what I have mentioned and then implement the advice and also ask Allah to give you understanding.


If you are worried about the jinn completely manifesting and speaking in you or causing chaos or breaking things or attacking you and other people during ruqya diagnosis or treatment……then you need to understand that jinn ONLY speak in sinning patients. Please read this article below.

Why Jinn Speak in Patients

If you know that you are sinning then I strongly recommend that you don’t do ruqya diagnosis or treatment because of the possibility of the jinn inside you, manifesting and attacking you or other people. But if you are sure that you are a good and pious Muslim (ie prays 5 times a day and keeps away from major sins) then you can do the ruqya. What I have said here doesn’t apply to children below puberty because they are sinless.

YOU MUST UNDERSTAND that Ruqya treatment is NOT usually a quick fix, like antibiotics. It takes time to get the cure from Allah but if you follow the 3 treatment principles below then the cure will eventually come from Allah.

The three things that you MUST do in order to make your ruqya treatment successful are:

1) KEEPING AWAY FROM SINS (ie not doing major sins or continuously doing the same minor sins)

2) DOING YOUR SELF RUQYA & OTHER TREATMENTS (as described in below)


These 3 principles may seem very obvious to some patients but unfortunately for others it is not that clear so I believe that it is important to actually state them even if they seem very obvious to some.

Rarely, do you find a case of jinn possession or other spiritual ailments being cured immediately. We must not become hasty and start complaining that Allah hasn’t answered our ruqya. This attitude of being patient and not complaining is stated in the hadith below:
Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The du’aa’ of any one of you will be answered so long as he is not impatient and says, ‘I made du’aa’ but it was not answered.’” Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.
We must NOT be hasty and think that your self ruqya is a waste of time and energy. On contrary, you are actually getting closer and more beloved to Allah by doing ruqya treatment and that is because it is a Sunnah.
Some of the benefits that are gained when the ruqya treatment doesn’t cure immediately are:
1. The treatment itself becomes a sort of diagnosis for us because the patient can feel the ruqya is working. The ruqya reactions during treatment are a clear sign that patient is suffering from a spiritual disease and they cannot deny it.
2. The treatment itself becomes a manifestation of the might and power of Allah and his help, which the patient appreciates. The ruqya reactions during ruqya treatment are a sign of the power of Allah and his ability to hear his slaves calling on him and then he answers via the ruqya reactions which he causes. This help from Allah makes the patient appreciate what Allah is doing for them.
3. The treatment itself becomes a way of refuting all those who deny jinn possession, sihr and ayn. That is because of the clear physical signs that a patient feels during ruqya treatment. If a patient was cured immediately via ruqya treatment then people would not believe that the patient had a spiritual disease.
4. If we got cured straight away from our spiritual disease then we would not learn much about the disease that could help other people.

If you do these above 3 things properly and put your trust and hope in Allah then the cure from Allah will come inshallah.


In general, when you start ruqya treatment or diagnosis, your body will go through significant changes and the jinn will intensify their attack and waswaas, and they will do their best to try and stop you doing your treatment. Do not worry and carry on with your ruqya as they can’t do anything to you except by the will of Allah.

When you do ruqya treatment the body will go through changes as it cleans out the spiritual ailments so patients experience diarrhoea, vomiting, headaches and other symptoms. This is normal for a patient who is NOT sinning and it is usually bearable. However, if the patient is sinning while doing ruqya treatment then the the severe physical symptoms and unbearable jinn attacks are a sign that the jinn have power over him because of his sins and that his situation is a punishment from Allah. It is important for sinning patients to STOP sinning if they want to progress. You can’t do ruqya treatment at the same time as sins.

Wherever a patient complains about physical symptoms or jinn attacks or jinn issues, we first ask them about sins. If they are sinning then obviously they need to stop sinning and then the situation and illness will become manageable and bearable, especially when they combine this with their protection adhkar.

If they are not sinning but still ask about physical symptoms or jinn attacks that are affecting them then it could be to do with not reading their protection adhkar or that they are not actually doing enough ruqya treatment. Usually, when they correct these two then they no longer have any problems.

It is important to know that patients can visit their medical doctors and ask for medicines to relieve their physical symptoms during ruqya treatment. WE CAN COMBINE RUQYA TREATMENT WITH MODERN MEDICINE. So please visit your doctor if you are experiencing severe physical symptoms. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that and it doesn’t make you a weak Muslim if you visit your doctor.

The other thing that happens during ruqya treatment is that the jinn will try their best to attack you mentally so that you become worried, scared and confused. They may do this by appearing in front of you as black shadows or by touching you or by making  noises or giving you nightmares or causing  general mischief and they will also, at the same time, increase their waswaas in you so you’ll feel more anxious, depressed and even anger, which you must NOT act upon. They will also give you very bad thoughts such as you are dying or that you were better off before you started the ruqya or that this ruqya you are doing is actually making you worse, which is obviously a lie. This is all to make you stop doing ruqya treatment and give up. The reason they do this intensifying of their attack is because they know their time is limited now because you started your ruqya and they know that you now know that you have jinn so they don’t care so much to cover their tracks and make things seem natural as they used to do before you started ruqya…’s war now as the jinn are not hiding from you anymore.
All you need to do is ignore all this you are experiencing as other patients have gone through similar things and that you do your ruqya and other things to help your treatment.


Basically, you know when you are completely cured when you NO LONGER REACT TO RUQYA DIAGNOSIS. 

If you are still reacting to ruqya treatment or even ruqya diagnosis then you are NOT cured and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! Some patients believe that if their lives get better or they feel better then it means that they are cured. This is a wrong understanding and it is basically treating the spiritual diseases like the phyiscal diseases and that is because with physical diseases if you feel better and all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared then we can say that you are cured. However, this is not the case with the spiritual diseases. You must read ruqya diagnosis and get a negative result (ie no reactions) and then we can confirm that the spiritual disease is cured.

The spiritual ailments, by the mercy of Allah, react to ruqya and so we are able diagnose them by that very fact. Physical ailments don’t react to ruqya therefore if anyone feels something during a ruqya session or when listening to ruqya audio then they definitely have a spiritual illness. In order to know exactly which spiritual illness the person is suffering from, we would have to look at the intention of the raqi who performed the ruqya or recorded it.

During a patient’s ruqya treatment, they will notice many changes. Sometimes a patient will feel very different or they may notice less reactions during ruqya treatment or JET treatment. If a patient feels that they have been cured by Allah because of the reductions in reactions or other positive things then we suggest that they do ruqya diagnosis to see if they really have been cured by Allah. DON’T JUST PRESUME THAT YOU ARE CURED! PLEASE DO RUQYA DIAGNOSIS.


In these brief notes I would like to explain to patients how they should treat themselves.
Treatment should be made as easy as possible for patients and it should not require the patient to visit raqis or spend hours listening to ruqya audios.
Please familiarise yourself with the following links as I will be referring to them in the instructions below.






The self ruqya treatment plan consists of 3 main things: self ruqya, using the ruqya soup and the JET treatment. The other treatments that I mention in these notes should also be used as much as you can because the more you do, the better it is. However, having said that, if you just stick to the main 3 treatments then you should get the cure from Allah.

Please don’t start ruqya treatment before doing ruqya diagnosis. To understand why, please read my article “The Importance of Ruqya Diagnosis”

Ruqya Diagnosis is affected by your sins. It is also affected by not beseeching Allah properly from the bottom of your heart ie you must really ask Allah sincerely and really want to know the answer of the ruqya diagnosis. To understand these two important issues properly, please click and read the above ‘Self Ruqya Diagnosis Notes’. At the beginning of this article and under the sub title ‘Sihr Diagnosis’, I talk about the issues of sins and not beseeching Allah properly and how they affect ruqya diagnosis. After reading that, you will understand that if you got negative results during ruqya diagnosis then it means that you are free of spiritual ailments but only if you are NOT sinning and you really beseeched Allah sincerely during your ruqya diagnosis.


After you have diagnosed yourself using Practical Self Ruqya part 1 video or Practical Self Ruqya part 7 series on youtube or by using the self ruqya diagnosis notes above, you should do self ruqya treatment using Surah Falaq and Nass with the 7 intentions as described in the article: ‘why are you doing self ruqya’ (See the above link for an explanation of the 7 intentions). With the 7 intentions in your heart, You should read surahs falaq and nass as a pair 7 times. At the end of the 7 sets, you should blow into your cupped hands with a little air and spittle and then wipe your face and body with your hands and then repeat another set of 7 pairs.

Do the above self ruqya for 1 hour a day. 20mins in morning, 20mins in the afternoon and 20mins in the evening. If you can do more than an hour a day that would be better. THE MINIMUM IS ONE HOUR!

If a family member or friend offer to do ruqya treatment on you then you should accept it because that is the Sunnah. You shouldn’t ask for ruqya but if someone offers to do ruqya on you without you asking then don’t refuse it.

To help you understand what you have to do during self ruqya treatment, please watch this short video: Practical Self Ruqya Part 7.6.

PLEASE NOTE: if you have diagnosed yourself with jinn possession then you MUST read my article “The Waswas from the Posssessing Jinn”. So that you can prepare and deal with the inevitable waswas during your self ruqya treatment.

You will find a summary of the 7 intentions below.

NB: You may not have to use all 7 intentions since that will depend on what you diagnose yourself with. So if you diagnose yourself with all 4 spiritual ailments then you will need all of the 7 intentions for self ruqya treatment. If you diagnose yourself with just sihr and jinn possession then you will need intentions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 (just the sihr network but not hasd network). If you diagnose yourself with ayn and jinn possession then you will need intentions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 ( just the hasd network but not the sihr network). If you diagnose yourself with just sihr then you will need intentions 1, 5 and 7 (except the hasd network). If you diagnose yourself with just ayn then you will need intentions 2, 5 and 7 (except the sihr network). If you diagnose yourself with just jinn possession then you will need intentions 3, 4, 5 & 6 (the reason you need intention 4 is because once you have jinn possession, then by default, you also have waswas conditioning). If you diagnose yourself with just waswas conditioning then you will need intentions 4 and 5. If you diagnose yourself with just sihr and ayn without jinn possession or waswaas conditioning, then you must combine together the intentions that I mentioned above for ‘just sihr’ and ‘just ayn’. Likewise, the same would apply to just sihr and waswas conditioning without jinn possession ie combine together the treatment intentions for ‘just sihr’ and ‘just waswas conditioning’. There are other combinations which I have not mentioned but I think it is clear with the above examples what patients have to do in order to select the correct intentions they need for self ruqya treatment.

Whenever you see me, in these treatment notes or anyway else, advising that the patient should use the “7 intentions” then this is ONLY applicable to those who are suffering from ALL of the spiritual diseases. THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE as they may just need 3 or 4 intentions. So please adapt my advice according to what you are suffering from and ONLY use the intentions you need.

THE 7 INTENTIONS (these 7 intentions occur in the heart and are not said out loud or in your mind. It is just like when you make the intention to pray salah. What is important is the meaning of the intentions NOT my literal wording of them)
(4*) Every waswaas conditioning (psychological conditioning from the qareen & possessing jinn) SO THAT I CAN WORSHIP YOU, THE BEST I CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES.
(5*) All other illnesses that I am suffering from, SO THAT I CAN WORSHIP YOU, THE BEST I CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES.
(6*) BURN (destroy) every possessing jinnee inside my body SO THAT I CAN WORSHIP YOU, THE BEST I CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES.
(7*) BURN (destroy) any external Hasid network & any external Sihr Network SO THAT I CAN WORSHIP YOU, THE BEST I CAN, WITHOUT ANY ILLNESSES.
(For an understanding of what the sihr and hasd networks are and waswaas conditioning: please see the above article: ‘Why are you doing Self Ruqya’)


One of my patients recently reminded me of something that helps intensify ruqya and I was extremely delighted that this patient reminded me about this and I pray and hope that Allah rewards the patient and cures them.
I believe that it is very important to advise other patients about this. It is something that I used to do during my own self ruqya, especially during treatment, but I had completely forgotten to tell my patients about it. I am quite sure that many are already following this or similar advice but a reminder always helps.
We should not read our ruqya with no contemplation, like a parrot or a machine. We should not be reading ruqya while thinking about other things. You need to turn it into an effective act of worship that cures you and brings you closer to Allah and you can’t do that if you are thinking about other things.

We have found from experience that if you implement the advice below, then you will feel that your ruqya is more effective (and that is because you will feel stronger reactions) and you will feel an increase in your iman.

You can intensify your ruqya diagnosis or treatment by following the advice below:
1. Before you actually start your ruqya, we should mentally prepare for it, just like the way we prepare for salah ie get your mind and heart ready to call on Allah and ignore and get rid of any wordly matters from your mind.
2. Before and even during the ruqya, THINK carefully and ponder on the greatest of Allah and his power. Think about the Quran and its greatest and that if it were revealed to a mountain, it would break it into pieces. Think about Allah’s names and attributes such as Al-Azeez (the Mighty) and the fact that Allah is the ONLY one who can cure and help you and that HE is the one who can kill the possessing jinn. If you are doing diagnosis, then it is only Allah that can diagnose and help you and it is HE makes and causes the ruqya reactions.
3. Before and even during the ruqya, REMEMBER that Allah is watching you and listening to you directly. He can see and hear you do ruqya. The feeling you should be aiming for is similar to when you can feel someone watching you and listening to you, but obviously the feeling will be more intense because it is Allah, who is watching and listening to you. If it is difficult for you to understand this, then remember your experience with secruity cameras, which are everywhere. You know that your behaviour changes when you realise CCTV cameras and microphones are monitoring you and you actually feel embarrassed or shy. Allah has more right over you than these man-made pieces of technology! Try to get this feeling of Allah watching you and listening to you while you do your ruqya.


You should get the ruqya soup ingredients and add them to an electric blender and mix them into a paste and then read ruqya over the paste using surah falaq and nass with the necessary and applicable intentions for your treatment.

You should take 5 tablespoonfuls of this paste and add it to a bath tub of cool water and soak for 15 minutes. Do this bath 3 times a week. You should also add a teaspoon of this paste into a bottle of olive oil and shake well. This oil and ruqya soup mixture can be used after a bath or throughout the day. Please see the above article on the ‘Ruqya Soup’ for more information.


Once a month you should get the JET hijama treatment done, preferably on the 17, 19 or 21 of the Islamic month. Please refer to the JET article above. If you are suffering from more than one spiritual ailment then you need to do the comprehensive JET, also known as Version 2 of JET. The JET procedure can also be used for other than jinn possession so if you just have ayn or waswaas conditioning then I also recommend that you get it done.

You may have to use JET Version 3 to get the cure from Allah. Please see the next section for more information on this.


I have been recommending to all my patients that they should be doing the JET Hijama treatment thrice a week (3 times a week). This seems to help them a lot and reduces the physical effects of the possessing jinn and their waswas much quicker than just doing the JET once a month.
Here is a short video explaining the new advice:
I have also been telling patients about using magnesium oil to treat jinn possession. Here is short video about this:


After doing a few weeks of self treatment, you should read this article below that I wrote on how I used hijama and specific ruqya to find static jinnee, sihr, ayn and waswaas conditioning in my body and then remove them with a combination of treatment ruqya and hijama.

If you are just suffering from waswaas conditioning then you should use this technique to get of the waswas conditioning around your heart area. In this article below, there is a photo of a patient’s chest, showing where the hijama cups need to be placed so that the waswas conditioning can be removed.


1. Place some black seeds into a jar or container and read over the black seeds, surah falaq and nass with the 7 intentions ONCE and blow over the seeds and then closed the lid and shake the jar or container briefly.

2. Every morning after fajr and on an empty stomach AND WHILE HAVING THE 7 INTENTIONS IN YOUR HEART (ie your purpose for eating the black seeds is because you want Allah to cure you from what is mentioned in the 7 intentions article – as mentioned above) –  TAKE a pinch of the seeds and place inside the front part of your mouth and grind and chew the seeds with your front teeth (incisors) until you break down the all the seeds.

3. Once you cannot grind the seeds any further, you should swallow them using a small amount of water to assist you.

4. After taking the black seeds, you should get half a glass of water and put into it a teaspoon of honey and mix it well. Read surah falaq and nass ONCE as ruqya with the 7 intentions over this water and honey mixture.

5. While having the 7 intentions in your heart (ie they are the reason why you are drinking this mixture), DRINK this mixture.

The best honey I have tried while I was ill with sihr and jinn possession was the sidr honey I purchased from “Purely Honey” in Qatar. This honey was the hardest on my possessing jinn. I would take a teaspoon of this honey, before applying ruqya to the honey, and the jinnee in me would react quite strongly to it so obviously once ruqya was read on the honey, it was even more effective.

You can contact the supplier and purchase this honey from Qatar or the UK:  (I DON’T GET ANY MONEY FOR PROMOTING THIS HONEY!)


How to prepare Senna tea .

If you have Senna leaves, use a handful and 2 glasses of water.
For Senna powder, use one tablespoon and 2 glasses of water.
1. Put the senna and 2 glasses of water in a saucepan and place on a cooker and heat it up until the mixture boils and then let it simmer for 20 mins .

2. Pour the mixture through a tea strainer and collect the senna tea in a glass and then discard the remaining leaves and powder in the tea strainer.

3. Let it cool for a for a while. It will look like a greenish/brownish tea.

4. Read surah falaq and nass ONCE as ruqya over the senna tea with the 7 intentions and then blow over it.

5. Then while having the 7 intentions in your heart, DRINK this senna tea.

Best time to drink this mixture is at night before sleeping & the next day should be a day your not working or doing anything important (preferably weekend).
(If you can’t get senna leaves or powder then you should get a senna laxative in liquid form and follow the above steps 4 and 5. Try ‘Senokot Syrup’)


You as the patient should pay sadaqah with the intention of seeking the cure from Allah because of the hadith:

 “Treat your sick ones with charity.” This was classed as hasan by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’ (3358)

Your family members can also pay this sadaqah on your behalf.

There are a few cases I have heard of people being cured because of the sadaqah they have paid and I am quite sure there are many more cases that I haven’t heard of.

You don’t have to be paying a lot of money but do what is in your means so if you can only afford a few pennies or cents or dihrams a day then do that inshallah. IT IS THE INTENTION THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IE FOR ALLAH’S SAKE!

Try to give it on a daily basis or every other day or on a weekly basis and make sure it is done regularly. I personally recommend at least a few pennies everyday, which can be done online or in the charity box of your local masjid.

For more information on this topic:

The fatwa explaining that the patient or sick person himself can offer this sadaqa to treat himself can be found below:

The fatwa explaining that the family can pay this sadaqa on behalf of the patient can be found below:


There are a number of hadith that talk about the benefits of Talbina in removing grief from the heart.

It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah, the wife of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), that if a member of her family died, the women would gather together, then they would depart, except her own relatives and close friends. She would order that a pot of talbeenah be cooked, then some thareed would be made and the talbeenah would be poured over it. Then she would say: Eat some of it, for I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “Talbeenah soothes the heart of the sick person, and it takes away some of the grief.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5101; Muslim, 2216.

It was narrated from her (may Allaah be pleased with her) that she would order that talbeenah be made for the sick and the one who was mourning a death, and she used to say: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “Talbeenah soothes the heart of the sick and takes away some of the grief.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5365;
Muslim, 2216

Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) narrated, “If any of the Messenger’s (peace be upon him) family became ill, the Messenger (pbuh) would say, ‘It (talbina) soothes the grieving heart and cleanses the ailing heart just as one of you cleans dirt off his face with water.’ ” [Saheeh Sunan ibn Maajah (3445), hadeeth hasan].

These hadiths talk about the natural sadness and grief that people feel at the time of the death of someone (bereavement) and how talbina is good at treating them. However, from experience, it also seems to help to reduce the waswaas of unnatural depression and anxiety, which is generated or created by the possessing jinn, by giving a patient some ease in their heart. Because of this, I would advise every patient who is having issues with anxiety and depression to regularly take it.

I would also strongly recommend that sisters who are possessed to take it during their menstruation so as to reduce the effects of the waswaas that the jinn inevitability increase during this time of the month.

We have seen it being very beneficial for any sort of sadness or depression that can affect even a person who does not have any spiritual illness. So Muslims should always have some Talbina in their homes to treat themselves.

You should prepare the talbina the same way as you prepare porridge oats or semolina using milk and water to cook it. You should use honey to sweeten it and then read ruqya over the mixture before eating it for breakfast, although you can have it anytime during the day or whenever you feel particularly down or depressed and need a ‘pick-up’.


You should try to drink ruqya treatment water with every meal you have. This is especially important if you have eaten or drunk the sihr which is affecting you. In such sihr cases, you should try and drink copious amounts of ruqya treatment water throughout the day, preferably Zamzam water. Having said this, don’t over do it with drinking ruqya water because it is possible to overdose on water. We are only saying this, even though it is obvious, because we have seen some sihr patients going to extremes in treating themselves and that is because of the anger, frustration and desperation they feel towards their sihr illness.

To prepare ruqya treatment water, you just need to read ruqya treatment over a glass or jug of water using the 7 treatment intentions. For self treatment, you should just use surahs falaq and nass. You should read them into the water, making sure your mouth is close to the surface of the water. You can read them once, thrice or 7 times as a pair and then gently blow into the water and then mix the water with a spoon.

To prepare family ruqya treatment water, you should just use surah fatiha once, thrice or 7 times.

Ideally, you should try to read ruqya treatment on every liquid that you drink, including hot drinks such as tea and coffee, wherever you are. To make things easier in such situations, just read the ruqya treatment once, when you are in public and you know that your time is limited.


(A 5mW green laser pointer is required for this treatment below as demonstrated on Practical Self Ruqya Part 1 video)

You should try to use a green laser while you are doing your self ruqya. While dressed, the laser beam should be pointed and moved around all over your body (except your face and head) with the below intentions and at the same time, you should be reading your regular self ruqya treatment with the 7 intentions.

You should use the green laser pointer by moving the laser beam across your body with the intention of “asking Allah to destroy with the laser (kill) all the jinn in you so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again without any jinn illnesses”. When you add this treatment intention to this laser procedure or action, you will see a great improvement in the effectiveness of the green laser treatment.

If you are also suffering from the sihr and hasd networks, then you should also target these with the green laser as well, using the intention: “O Allah destroy with the laser, all the networks so that I can get back to worshipping you properly again” while moving and shining the laser around your body.

You can combine both above intentions and actions and do them at the same time. 

It is amazing how the addition of a simple intention makes a big difference in the laser treatment.

We have to remember here that the green laser is not an act of worship like salah but a form treatment so it can NEVER be a bidah, if we use it.


This treatment involves drinking mushroom soup, eating mushrooms and washing in mushrooms and mushroom soup.

It is better to do this treatment on an empty stomach or 3 to 5 hours after you have eaten a meal. It is for the following patients:

1. Those who are suffering from ANY form of ayn with or without jinn possession.

2. Those who are suffering from Ayn and other spiritual ailments such as Sihr.

3. Those who have been completely cured from Ayn (ie negative for ayn diagnosis) but are still suffering from physical diseases that were originally caused by their ayn illness.


A patient of mine, who ONLY had ayn, recently contacted me and thanked me for helping him. He told me that he was cured from all the ayn that he had been suffering from. He had done the ruqya diagnosis for ayn several times so he knew he was definitely cured. He mentioned that he used fresh mushrooms because of the difficulty in finding truffles and that he benefited a great deal from using mushrooms, which are actually biological related to truffles. He said that he benefited from mushrooms before any ruqya was applied to the mushroom soup (ie mushrooms independently treat the ayn like truffles do) and this was also the case with his friend.

After hearing this story, I told another patient of mine do this treatment and I myself did it and we both benefited. (Although, I am completely cured from ALL ayn, I still have issues like bowel problems and dermatitis that were originally caused by the ayn). 

We know that the water that is found in truffles cures physical diseases of the eye and it also cures the spiritual disease of Ayn, including hasd, because of the hadith (Bukhari 1868). Most people won’t be able to purchase truffles since they are very expensive. However, there is NOW a cheap and inexpensive alternative, walhamdulilah, namely the common edible mushroom that we find in our supermarkets.

My patients and I used the common white edible mushroom that is found nearly in every supermarket in the UK. You may try these or any other mushroom. A good area of research would be to work out which mushroom is more effective by trying out different types of mushrooms. It might be a good idea to speak to a Botanist or Plant Scientist to find out which mushrooms are more closely related to truffles and then seeing if these mushrooms treat ayn better than any other mushrooms.

(NB: If you can get hold of Shiitake mushrooms then that would be great as we have heard that patients find them to be more potent than white mushrooms. This might be due to them being more closely related to truffles than white mushrooms are, as one student of mine, pointed out. If you can’t get Shiitake mushrooms, then just use any darker mushrooms as it seems the darker the mushroom the more potent it is at treating ayn and hasad).


1. Wash 1kg of fresh mushrooms in cold water ie remove any soil or dirt from them.

2. Chop the mushrooms into small pieces

3. Place the mushroom pieces into a large pot that is filled with water and bring to boil. Then simmer for 30mins, occasionally stirring. (You may have to use 2 medium sized pots for 1kg of mushrooms)

4. After 30mins of simmering and while the large pot is still on the stove or cooker, read treatment ruqya onto the mushrooms and its soup using surahs falaq and nass as a pair, 7 times. Your treatment intentions will depend on what you diagnosed yourself with. For more information on this topic then please read the “Self Ruqya” section above, in this same article. If you are unsure about which treatment intentions to use then just use ALL 7 intentions as mentioned in my article “Why are you doing self ruqya” on my website. If you completely cured from Ayn, like myself, but are still suffering from the after-effects of Ayn then your treatment intentions for ruqya treatment, that you should use, can be found in my article “Treating physical ailments after being cured from spiritual ailments”

5. Take out of the large pot a handful or half a plate of mushrooms and also take out about 500ml (half litre) of liquid soup.

6. Allow the mushrooms and liquid soup that you removed to cool down. You may use whatever means you have or know to speed up this cooling process but don’t add any cold water to the mushrooms or liquid soup because this will dilute them and reduce their potency.

7. WITH THE INTENTION OF ASKING ALLAH TO CURE YOU FROM ALL OF YOUR SPIRITUAL & PHYSICAL AILMENTS SO THAT YOU CAN GET BACK TO WORSHIPPING ALLAH PROPERLY AGAIN…..Eat all of the mushrooms and drink all of the liquid soup that you had taken out of the large pot, preferably on an empty stomach or a least 3 to 5 hours after you have eaten a meal. Immediately after eating mushrooms and drinking the soup, go prepare the bath for the washing part of this treatment. Ideally, there should not be a long delay between the eating/drinking part and the washing part of this treatment. There seems to be some benefit in having some mushrooms and soup in your stomach while you actually wash your body with mushrooms and its soup especially against possessing jinn that have entered via Ayn.

8. Plug your bath tub and pour the rest of the mushrooms and liquid soup from the large pot into your bath tub and fill it with warm or cool water.

9. WITH THE INTENTION OF ASKING ALLAH TO CURE YOU FROM ALL OF YOUR SPIRITUAL & PHYSICAL AILMENTS SO THAT YOU CAN GET BACK TO WORSHIPPING ALLAH PROPERLY AGAIN….STEP INTO THE BATH TUB and have a soak in this mixture for 30mins. Make sure this mixture of mushrooms, soup and water touches all of your body particular your back. (If you suffer from jinn possession then we recommend that you don’t make the bath water too hot as jinn prefer hot things while they hate cold things).

9. Repeat on a weekly basis.


We know from our experience that there can be external elements to your sihr and hasd spiritual illnesses so it is very important that you focus on treating these networks at the same time as treating your internal spiritual ailments.

You can diagnose yourself to see if you are connected to a sihr or hasd network by reading specific ruqya diagnosis on yourself. (You can find out how to do specific ruqya diagnosis by reading my Self Diagnosis Notes on my website)

If you do find that you are NOT connected to either a sihr or hasd network then there is NO point in you doing this treatment below because you don’t need it and if you did do it then you would be wasting your time and energy. From this example, you can see how important it is to do ruqya diagnosis before administering any sort of treatment.

1. Get a spray bottle and fill it with water or Zamzam water or a mixture of both.

2. Read ruqya over the water using surahs falaq and nass (7 times as a pair) with the intention of asking Allah to destroy the sihr and hasd networks so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again.

3. Put the lid back onto the spray bottle and shake it well.

4. Create a fine mist of ruqya water by adjusting the nozzle or head of the spray bottle.

5. Now, with the intention of asking Allah to destroy the sihr and hasd networks so that you can get back worshipping him properly again, SQUEEZE & PUMP the spray bottle handle and spray the ruqya water around and away from your head, body and legs. Make sure you do this from the bottom of your legs (ie ankles and feet) upto your head height and that you spray over and away from your head as well. Basically, we want to make sure that you HIT all the possible external network pathways and connections.

6. You may find that you physically react more when you spray in a particular area so focus on this area but at the same time do not totally ignore other areas around yourself.

7. Do this treatment at least once a day while you actually do one of your 3 daily ruqya treatment sessions. If you can do more then do more.

8. On a weekly basis do a ruqya diagnosis to see if you are still connected to a sihr or hasd network. Once you have disconnected yourself from all sihr networks then there is NO point in searching for the taweez and wasting your time because you are not connected to the sihr on the taweez.

After disconnecting yourself from all sihr networks then I strongly recommend that you try and locate any disabled static jinnee in your body and extract them using JET Version 3. Please refer to my article “How Allah Cured Me” for more information.

If you are having trouble getting to sleep because of your spiritual disease then I suggest that you read ruqya treatment on yourself with intention of asking Allah to cure you from your insomnia so that you can worship him properly. Obviously, if you don’t sleep well then you cannot worship Allah properly. This advice has helped a few patients who had this problem.
All you need for this treatment is to read self ruqya treatment using surahs falaq and nass with the above intention while you are lying in your bed. You should just focus on ALL the problems that are causing the insomnia and NOT treat any other problems. The reason you do this is because If you focus on other problems or diseases then the reactions from these may make it difficult for you to sleep eg if you read ruqya treatment for jinn possession then the jinn movements may make it more difficult for you to sleep.
After doing this ruqya for a while, you should feel sleepy. You may have to do this every night until you are cured from this problem.
In some situations, where the insomnia is very serious, then it might be better to STOP all ruqya and other treatments like drinking ruqya water or applying ruqya olive oil and even listening to ruqya, about 3 hours before your bed time. This makes it easier for the body to relax and prepare for sleep. If you already suffer from insomnia and you carry on doing treatment just before you sleep then the possessing jinn may become too agitated and their movements around your body may prevent you from sleeping easily.
You can also read this ruqya treatment for insomnia on patients using surah Fatiha as I have done on a patient.

FOR QUICK RELIEF FROM POSSESSING JINN ATTACKS & WASWAS (Anxiety, panic attacks, anger, sexual desires, brain fog, etc)

1. Prepare very cold ruqya water. Place some water in a large bottle (say 1.5 ltr) and put it in a fridge for several hours or overnight and then read ruqya over it, using surahs falaq and nass with the 7 intentions as I explain above.

2. NOW *with the intention to destroy the possessing jinn and to stop their waswaas,* Drink this very cold ruqya water and place some of this water over your face, head and chest. Don’t just gulp the ruqya water down but hold it in your mouth for about 10 to 15 seconds and then swallow it slowly. You should drink a glass of this ruqya water.

3. You can make ice cubes of this ruqya water as well and place them in your mouth with the same above intention as drinking. It is better and harder on the possessing jinn when you do both actions at the same time ie drink ruqya water with ruqya ice cubes.

4. While holding a ruqya ice cube or some ruqya water or BOTH in your mouth, you should place the prongs or teeth of a fork on the top of your forehead at the beginning of your hairline and press down firmly *with the intention to destroy the possessing jinn and to stop their waswaas.*  You should hold the fork, in place, on your forehead for a few minutes. YOU CAN PRESS DOWN WITH THE FORK AS HARD AS YOU LIKE BUT PLEASE DO NOT INJURE YOURSELF OR CAUSE YOURSELF EXCESSIVE PAIN.

NB: I used to do such things when I was ill with jinn possession so it definitely works.
It is harder on the possessing jinn when you hold the ruqya ice cube or ruqya water in your mouth rather than just swallowing them. We also found that it was harder on the jinn when you make the above intentions before/while drinking ruqya water and using the fork.

What we have mentioned here will definitely give you some relief from the waswaas but in order to get long term benefits you need to combine the above technique with the 13 other steps to reduce waswaas type 1 that I mention in my article “The Waswaas from the Possessing Jinn & Qareen”, under the section  “STEPS TO REDUCE THE WASWAS TYPE 1 FROM THE POSSESSING JINN (AND EVEN THE QAREEN): HOW POSSESSING JINN AFFECT KHUSHU IN SALAH & DISCONNECT YOU EMOTIONALLY FROM ALLAH”. This article can be found on my website.


If you really want an intensive self ruqya session, you should do and combine at the same time, the self ruqya, laser and fork treatment (laser in one hand & fork in other) with the ruqya soup, by placing your feet in a basin of cold ruqya soup! THIS IS QUITE INTENSIVE.


Make sure you eat well and exercise regularly. A strong and healthy muslim is better and harder on the devils than a weak and unhealthy muslim.
There is no harm in taking multi vitamins and fish oils to supplement your diet. In fact, being deficient in certain vitamins and minerals will make you feel worse. So please speak to a medical professional about the benefits of certains vitamins and minerals and oils so that you are at your physical best so that you can deal with your spiritual disease.

Many people are deficient in Vitamin D. This vitamin is important for brain function, the immune system and our bones. You may find that when you take a Vitamin D supplement that you feel less depressed and that you have more motivation to do self ruqya and even physical exercise. I know many patients that complain about motivation and energy levels and these patients might be helped by taking extra Vitamin D. Having said that, please don’t take large doses of vitamin D until you get your blood tested for your vitamin D levels. If a doctor decides to give you a large dose of vitamin D then make sure you consume enough Magnesium or take a Magnesium supplement since vitamin D can deplete your body’s Magnesium and you could end up having headaches and being lightheaded and dizzy because your Magnesium levels have dropped.

Speaking about Magnesium, there are many people who who deficient in this important mineral, which is very important for our nerves and has been shown to help with anxiety and insomnia (which are two problems that patients complain about) so you may find that taking a Magnesium supplement might help you relax and sleep.

Only occasionally eat junk and fast food. Worst case scenario would be to limit this type of food to no more than once a week but only for someone who is fit and healthy and exercises regularly.


The minimum protection dhikr you should be doing:

Morning: (Fajr time before sunrise): Ayat ul Kursi ONCE to protect against jinn. The 3 Quls for general protection against every evil and these should be read as a set of 3 to be said three times. So read Surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Nass. Then read again, Surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Nass. Finally, read Surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Nass. (There is no need to blow on yourself).


1. The below dua should be said 3 times.

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ فِي الَْأرْضِ وَلَا فِي السَّمَاءِ وَهُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ. (ثلاثَ مرَّاتٍ)

Bismillaahil-lathee laa yadhurru ma’as-mihi shay’un fil-‘ardhi wa laa fis-samaa’i wa Huwas-Samee ‘ul- ‘Aleem.

In the Name of Allah, Who with His Name nothing can cause harm in the earth nor in the heavens, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (Three times) Whoever recites it in the morning will not be afflicted by any calamity before evening, and whoever recites it in the evening will not be overtaken by any calamity before morning.

Abu Dawud 4/323, At-Tirmizi 5/465, Ibn Majah 2/332, Ahmad.

2. The below dua should be said 10 times for general protection against all evils.

لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ،

(وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ. (عشرَ مرَّات

Laa ‘ilaaha ‘illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer.

None has the right to be worshiped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the praise and He is Able to do all things. (10 times)

An-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud 4/319, Ibn Majah, Ahmad 4/60.

Evening: Exactly the same as above morning adhkar but said during Asar time and before Magrib. The ONLY addition in the evening is the dua below, which is said 3 times:

أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ. (ثلاثَ مرَّاتٍ إذا أمسى)

‘A’oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min sharri maa khalaqa.

I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from the evil of what He has created. (Three times in the evening.) Whoever recites this Three times in the evening will be protected from insect stings.

Ahmad 2/ 290, An-Nasa’i, At-Tirmizi 3/187, Ibn As-Sunni (Hadith no. 68), Ibn Majah 2/266.

After magrib and fajr prayers: You say the below dhikr 10 times before you speak to anyone, reply to someone’s salam or move out of the tashahud position. Through this dhikr, Allah will protect you from every harm and He will also protect you from the shaytan. There is also a lot of reward to be gained from saying this dhikr. (Please see the video below for more information)

لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

Laa ‘ilaaha ‘illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu yuhyee wa yumeetu wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay’in Qadeer.

None has the right to be worshiped but Allah alone, Who has no partner. His is the dominion and His is the praise. He brings life and He causes death, and He is Able to do all things. (Ten times after the Maghrib and Fajr prayers.)

At-Tirmizi 5/515, Ahmad 4/227, Zadul-Ma’ad 1/300.

Here is a video explaining the above dhikr.

Before Sleeping: Read Ayat ul Kursi once to protect yourself from jinn.
You should also blow ONCE into your cupped hands with a little spittle and air and then read Surah Ikhlas, Falaq and Nass into your cupped hands and then wipe your head, face and the entire front of body with your hands. Repeat this process three times.

NB: You only read “A’oodhu Billahi minashaytani rajeem” once, before reading Ayat ul Kursi and this will also cover you when you read the 3 Quls. There is no need to repeat it again when you start to read the three sets of the 3 Quls.

You should say the Basmala ie “Bismillah- irrahmani-rrahim” at the beginning of each of the three Qul surahs. This is basically the same rule for when we read a surah from the Quran. We always say the Basmala at the start of every surah.


It is recommended that you pray 2 rakahs of extra pray before you leave your house. Allah will protect you from all evil via these 2 rakahs while you are outside. When you come back into your house, you should pray another 2 rakahs and then Allah will protect you from all evil while you are in your house. (Because these two rakahs are Sunnah prayers, you can pray them while sitting in a chair. This makes life easier for patients and even for non-patients)
The evidence for this prayer is via the link:

Surahs falaq and nass may be recited once as a pair, on the spot, whenever you are in a situation where you are in danger or fearful or worried about some harm befalling you from any human, jinn (including their waswas), creature, evil eye, sihr or anything harmful (Sunan Tirmidhi: Vol 2, p206. Saheeh by Al-Albani). Once, the Nabi, salalahu alayhi wasalam, recited these two surahs when a strong dark wind blew over him (Abu Dawood: 1463. Saheeh by Al-Albani).
This is extra protection on top of your daily morning and evening adhkar. So if you are in danger or worried after seeing or hearing jinn activity in your house or outside or you see a person looking at you strangely or you see a person who looks threatening or you see an ill person with a contagious disease, then you should immediately recite these two surahs once as a pair and Allah will protect you from the harm you were worried about.
This will also include being enticed to do haram by a human. I remember an unmarried brother saying that he left his house to go to the masjid for fajr salah. He turned a corner and got a shock as he was confronted by a prostitute and so he started running away from her. The prostitute started chasing the brother and calling out to him to stop as she probably had never come across a man running away from her. The unmarried brother described the prostitute as being very beautiful and she was well dressed but it is was obviously clear from the way that she was dressed that she was definitely a prostitute. This is an ideal situation to read the surahs so you can read them when you worried about falling into fitna.
Another similar situation of fitna, would be if an ex-smoker or ex-alcoholic enters a building or is at work or is on a plane and he is then confronted with the temptation of smoking or drinking because people are sharing these haram things and he or she was not expecting this to happen in this place and it is difficult for him or her to leave immediately, then this is also an ideal situation to read these two wonderful surahs as the person does not want to start smoking again or start drinking again. By reading the surahs, the person will have the strength to reject any haram that is presented and offered to him or her, or the person sharing the haram may not approach the Muslim or Allah may cause something else to happen that prevents the Muslim from partaking in haram.
These surahs should also be recited as instructed when you enter a strange building or a rubbish dump or an area that seems dangerous. You may even say them when you go to a place that is generally safe but then something strange happens there, such as a fight between people breaks out or some other dangerous scenario happens. The main point here is that you have become worried and concerned and so you recite these two surahs for protection.
These two surahs can also be read once on the spot, when you are being attacked by waswas from the qareen or possessing jinn.
I, myself, recite them when I have forgotten something important because usually it is the qareen that has made me forget and I can sense that. By the mercy of Allah, while I am actually reciting the two surahs or as soon as I finish them, I remember what I had forgotten, which clearly proves to me that it was the qareen that made me forget.
NB: We must not become extreme with reciting the two quls. Your shaytan can make you very worried about every situation so it will make you keep reciting the quls even when there is no clear and apparent danger and you are just doing your normal day-to-day activities. It can become so extreme that a person will not take a single footstep without reading the two quls, with the excuse that the person is afraid that an external shaytan will make them trip over. This is too extreme! This kind of extreme behaviour must be avoided. You need to put our trust in Allah and realise that you already have the general protection from your morning and evening adhkar which will give you protection in every situation, including taking footsteps. The two quls are just some extra protection that you can do when you are in an unusual situation or confronted with a particular danger. 

If you feel angry then you say:
أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجيـمِ
A’oothu billaahi minash-shaytanir-rajim.
“I seek refuge in Allah from the outcast devil.
(Bukhari Vol 7 Hadith 99)
If you still feel angry after saying the above dua then read surahs falaq and nass once as a pair (Sunan Tirmidhi: Vol 2, p206. Saheeh by Al-Albani).

If you still feel angry after that and you find it difficult to control then if you are standing then sit down. If you are sitting down and you still feel very angry then lie down. This is taken from the Sahih hadith in Abu Dawood:

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said to us: When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down. (Abu Dawood 4782: Sahih by Al-Albani)

If you still feel angry while lying down then read surahs falaq and nass again as instructed above.

If you are possessed and you still feel angry then do the treatment in the above section of this article “FOR QUICK RELIEF FROM POSSESSING JINN ATTACKS & WASWAS (Anxiety, panic attacks, anger, sexual desires, brain fog, etc)”

You can also use this sitting and lying down advice for dealing with waswas as sitting and lying down are permissible actions so if sitting down or lying down help reduce the waswas for you then you can do that and this would NOT be considered a bidah, just like when someone who is ill with a stomach ache or headache sits or lies down to get some relief from the pain or illness.


أُعِيذُكُمَا بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ وَهَامَّةٍ وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ

‘U’eethukumaa bikalimaatil-laahit-taammati min kulli shaytaanin wa haammatin, wa min kulli ‘aynin laammatin.

I seek protection for you in the Perfect Words of Allah from every devil and every beast, and from every envious blameworthy eye.

Al-Bukhari 4/119.

The above dua is said for two children. Place your right hand on top of one of the child’s head and your left hand on top of the other child’s head and then you say this dua.
Say this dua whenever you are worried about any devils, evil eye or animal affecting your children.
For one child who is male you should say exactly the same but change the pronoun at the end, “kumaa” to “ka” and for a single female, it should be “ki”. You should just use your right hand on top of the child’s head when you say the dua for a single child.

Please note that it is just the end of the first word that is changed and the rest of the dua stays the same. The beginning of the first word stays the same, which I have highlighted in red. What is in black is what is changed. See below.
For a single male, we use: ….. أُعِيذُكَ
For a single female, we use: …. ِأُعِيذُك

So for single male the complete dua is:

أُعِيذُكَ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ وَهَامَّةٍ وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ  

For a single female the complete dua is:

أُعِيذُكِ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّةِ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْطَانٍ وَهَامَّةٍ وَمِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ


Here is another dua for protecting children which even I forget to mention to patients. I usually tell them to recite the above well known protection dua for children that the Nabi (salalahu alayhi wasalam) used for Hassan and Hussein.

This dua is also used protect your family, (including spouse), wealth (valuables and possessions) and your religion and wordly affairs. It is very comprehensive and covers you in ALL situations and therefore it is essential to say it everyday.

This dua below is part of the morning and evening adhkar! So please read it regularly at fajr time and again at asar time.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةِ، اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ الْعَفْوَ وَالْعَافِيَةَ فِي دِينِي، وَدُنْيَايَ، وَأَهْلِي، وَمَالِي، اللَّهُمَّ اسْتُرْ عَوْرَاتِي، وَآمِنْ رَوْعَاتِي، اللَّهُمَّ احْفَظْنِي مِنْ بَيْنِ يَدَيَّ، وَمِنْ خَلْفِي، وَعَنْ يَمِينِي، وَعَنْ شِمَالِي، وَمِنْ فَوْقِي، وَأَعُوذُ بِعَظَمَتِكَ أَنْ أُغْتَالَ مِنْ تَحْتِيَ

Allaahumma ‘innee ‘as’alukal-‘afwa wal’aafiyata fid-dunyaa wal’aakhirati, Allaahumma ‘innee ‘as’alukal-‘afwa wal’aafiyata fee deenee wa dunyaaya wa ‘ahlee, wa maalee , Allaahum-mastur ‘awraatee, wa ‘aamin raw’aatee, Allaahum-mahfadhnee min bayni yadayya, wa min khalfee, wa ‘an yameenee, wa ‘an shimaalee, wa min fawqee, wa ‘a’oothu bi’adhamatika ‘an ‘ughtaala min tahtee.

O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in this world and the next. O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness and Your protection in my religion, in my worldly affairs, in my family and in my wealth (valuables and possessions). O Allah, conceal my secrets and preserve me from anguish. O Allah, guard me from what is in front of me and behind me, from my left, and from my right, and from above me. I seek refuge in Your Greatness from being struck down from beneath me.

Sahih Ibn Majah by Albani 2/332, Abu Dawud.


To prevent giving someone the evil eye you should say to them, whether male or female, while they are in front of you:

بارك الله عليك  Barakallahu alaik (May Allah bless you)

If they can’t hear you and are at a distance, then you say for a male:

اللهم بارك عليه Allahumma barik alayhi (O Allah bless him)

For a female at a distance:

اللهم بارك عليها Allahumma barik alayha (O Allah bless her)

If you see something in yourself that really amazes you, then you should say:

اللهم بارك عليّ Allahumma barik alaiy (O Allah bless me)

These duas also prevent your hasad (envy) from affecting someone or something except the last one as you can’t give hasad (envy) to yourself.

Please stick to the above duas and avoid saying ‘MashaAllah’ as I have NOT seen any hadith that advises us to say ‘MashaAllah’. Instead, we have hadith evidence of the Nabi salalahu alayhi wasalam telling us to say Baraka (blessings) to prevent the evil eye.

The hadith evidence for the above duas is:

The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “If one of you sees something in himself or his wealth or his brother that he likes, let him pray for blessing (barakah) for it, for the evil eye is real.” (Narrated by Ibn as-Sunni in ‘Amal al-Yawm wa’l-Laylah, p. 168; al-Hakim, 4/216; classed as sahih by al-Albani in al-Kalim at-Tayyib, 243.)

It was narrated from Abu Umaamah ibn Sahl ibn Hunayf that his father told him: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) set out and they travelled with him towards Makkah, then when they were in Shi‘b al-Kharraar in al-Juhfah, Sahl ibn Hunayf did ghusl, and he was a fair-skinned man, with a beautiful body and skin. ‘Aamir ibn Rabee‘ah, a man of Banu ‘Adiy ibn Ka‘b, looked at him when he was doing ghusl and said: I have never seen anything like today, not even the skin of a young woman in seclusion! And Sahl fell to the ground. The people went to the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), and said to him: O Messenger of Allah, can you help Sahl, for by Allah he cannot raise his head and he cannot come round. He said: “Do you accuse anyone with regard to him?” They said: ‘Aamir ibn Rabee‘ah looked at him. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) summoned ‘Aamir and spoke harshly to him, and said: “Why would one of you kill his brother? When you saw something that you admired, why did you not pray for blessing (barakah) for him?” Then he said to him: “Wash yourself for him.” So he washed his face and hands, and his elbows and knees, and the sides of his feet, and inside his lower garment and the water was collected in a vessel, then that water was poured over him [Sahl]. A man poured it on his head and his back from behind, then Sahl got up and went with the people, and there was nothing wrong with him.

Narrated by Ahmad in al-Musnad (25/355-356); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Mishkaat al-Masaabeeh (4562).


Eating 7 ajwa dates in the morning gives you protection against sihr because of the hadith:

Al-Bukhaari (5445) and Muslim (2047) narrated from Sa‘d ibn Abi Waqqaas that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever eats seven ‘ajwah dates in the morning, will not be harmed by any poison or witchcraft that day.”

It seems that this protection only applies to the daytime as half of the islamic day has already passed by the time you have taken the dates in the morning and then the next day starts at magrib. Therefore, if you know you are going to be in a situation that requires the 7 ajwah dates ie visiting a sahir’s home or people who may be into sihr then make sure you visit them during the daytime (ie before magrib) and your actual visit ends before magrib ie you leave their house before magrib.

I would NOT recommend that you take 7 ajwa dates everyday but you should take them whenever you feel that someone is trying to do sihr on you or when you visit a particular house, city, region or country that is well known for sihr.

Because of the situation you may find yourself in, it may mean that you occasionally take 7 ajwa dates for 2 or 3 weeks continuously or until the threat of sihr disappears.

From experience, you should take the 7 ajwa dates on an empty stomach after praying fajr and you should eat them with no water or liquids. You should wait an hour for them to digest and then you may have your breakfast.


If you ever suffer from sleep paralysis during your treatment then I STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you read surahs falaq and nass with the intention of treating the sleep paralysis as soon as it happens. Obviously, you might not be able to read straight away because of the state itself  but you must try as hard as you can and that might mean initially reading ruqya in your mind and then reading aloud with your mouth when you get back that ability. You carry on reading the ruqya treatment until the state of sleep paralysis completely disappears.

Please note that in general reading ruqya in your mind is a bidah and it is only allowed when you don’t have the ability. It is similar to those people who have to pray with their eyes and read the Quran in their mind because of their medical condition. We must fear Allah as much as we can (Quran 64: 16).

You may find that sleeping with the main lights on in the bedroom, may solve your sleep paralysis, the problem of the appearance of the external jinn, external jinn attacks and other jinn problems in the bedroom, and it may even reduce nightmares. This is based on experience. A sister and a patient of mine used to be regularly visited by an external jinnee at bedtime. I advised that she slept with the main bedroom lights on and walhamdulilah her jinn issue was dealt with.

It seems that the jinn hate the light of daytime and even electrical lights. This is why their activities increase at magrib, hence, we are supposed to bring our children indoors at magrib as mentioned in the Sunnah. It seems the brighter your bedroom lights, the more effective it is as a jinn deterrent so use the brightest light available but it should not be that bright that it will stops you from sleeping. If you do use a very bright light and have trouble sleeping then use a blindfold to cover your eyes.
If you have got jinn activity in other places in your home, other than the bedrooms, then leave the main lights on in those rooms or places and that should stop the jinn activity there by the permission of Allah.


The first thing that patients, who have these nightmares, have to remember is that they will NOT be accountable for what happens in their dreams, even wet dreams. THERE ARE NO SINS FOR ANY DREAMS so patients should not become depressed or sad about this issue.

What I am discussing here are nightmares and sexual nightmares ie being raped or sexually attacked while asleep, wet dreams from shaytan (shaytanic wet dreams) and sexual attacks by external jinn while patients are asleep. I am not talking about natural wet dreams which are not from the shaytan and are not considered as nightmares. I am not talking about dreams which are sexual in nature but no “wetness” is produced because of them. What I am talking about here are terrifying dreams and wet dreams from the shaytan. Any dream that terrifies you is a nightmare and you must not pay any attention to it ie it will not affect you life.

(Please note that nightmares and wet dreams, that produce wetness, are not to be interpreted! However, a sexual dream that wasn’t a wet dream or a nightmare may be interpreted).

Occasionally, we might have a natural wet dream that is not from shaytan. This type of dream is just a natural way for the body to expel our natural sexual fluids for both genders and this is why this type of dream is a sign of puberty in Islam. However, if someone keeps having very regular wet dreams then this is probably from the shaytan. This might be a sign the person is possessed by love jinn and therefore they need to do ruqya diagnosis to see if they are possessed.

You must remember that you are at war with the devils. A war that has physical and psychological dimensions. The devils are always looking for ways to make you feel depressed or sad because when you are sad and depressed, you are less likely to do your ruqya treatment or even your protection adhkar or any other act of worship. If the devils find a certain weakness in you, like being depressed about nightmares and sexual nightmares or shaytanic wet dreams, then the devils will continue giving you such dreams to weaken you further so you must ignore these dreams and not discuss them with anyone because they cannot harm you and they are NOT to be interpreted. Please try to do the following if you experience one of these dreams. This advice will hopefully reduce or stop such dreams.

BEFORE THE DOING ANY OF THE BELOW SUGGESTIONS. You must make sure that you have done the above protection adkhar, adhkar before sleeping and the 2 rakah protection salah and that you should have WUDU before going to bed.

When one of these nightmares or sexual nightmares occur, you should:

1. Spit (a mixture of air and a little saliva) over your left shoulder 3 times.

2. DON’T TALK OR DISCUSS THE DREAM WITH ANYONE. The possessing jinn will give you a lot of waswas via feelings and whispers to talk about your nightmares  because they know when you talk about it, it will make you depressed and sad. You must ignore this waswas and not discuss the dream.

3. Change your sleeping position so if you were sleeping on your left side of your body then sleep on your right side or vice versa. DON’T SLEEP ON YOUR STOMACH AND TRY TO AVOID SLEEPING ON YOUR BACK. These 2 positions seem to make a person more prone to nightmares and shaytanic wet dreams.

4. Say the following dua:

أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ غَضَبِهِ وَعِقَابِهِ، وَشَرِّ عِبَادِهِ، وَمِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَأَنْ يَحْضُرُونِ

‘A’oothu bikalimaatil-laahit-taammaati min ghadhabihi wa ‘iqaabihi, wa sharri ‘ibaadihi, wa min hamazaatish-shayaateeni wa ‘an yahdhuroon.

I seek refuge in the Perfect Words of Allah from His anger and His punishment, from the evil of His slaves and from the taunts of devils and from their presence.

Abu Dawud 4/12, Sahih At- Tirmithi 3/171.

5. Redo your wudu before sleeping again. It might be a good idea to have a basin and jug of water by your bedside so you can redo wudu without going to the bathroom. You should put your socks on with wudu so you can wipe over  your socks. However, if you had a wet dream ie wetness on clothing or bedding, then you must take a ghusl.

6. If non of the above worked well for you then place some ruqya olive oil on your private parts and anus area. Also put some of this ruqya olive oil up your nostrils and inside of your ear canals and if possible, drink a little of this ruqya olive oil, making sure some olive oil touches the roof and back of your mouth and throat. You can add some original ou’d perfume, (taken from a tree bark) that has ruqya, to the ruqya olive oil but don’t drink the olive oil if you add ou’d perfume to it. If you can’t find ou’d perfume then use black musk (or “misk” in Arabic).

7. You may find that sleeping with the main lights on in the bedroom, may solve the problem of the appearance of the external jinn, external jinn attacks and other jinn problems in the bedroom, and it may even reduce nightmares and sexual nightmares and shaytanic wet dreams. This is based on experience. A sister and a patient of mine used to be regularly visited by an external jinnee at bedtime. I advised that she slept with the main bedroom lights on and walhamdulilah her jinn issue was dealt with.

It seems that the jinn hate the light of daytime and even electrical lights. This is why their activities increase at magrib, hence, we are supposed to bring our children indoors at magrib as mentioned in the Sunnah. It seems the brighter your bedroom lights, the more effective it is as a jinn deterrent so use the brightest light available but it should not be that bright that it will stops you from sleeping. If you do use a very bright light and have trouble sleeping then use a blindfold to cover your eyes.
If you have got jinn activity in other places in your home, other than the bedrooms, then leave the main lights on in those rooms or places and that should stop the jinn activity there by the permission of Allah.

8. If you are still having trouble after all of that then you should change the bedroom that you are sleeping in.

9. Finally, if the above hasn’t solved your problem then I would strongly recommend that you carefully look for any sins that you may have committed. If you do find sins then make tauba and pay sadaqa with the intention to remove sins AND THEN TRY THE ABOVE SUGGESTIONS AGAIN.


From my personal experience, during treatment you may see guard jinn (that keep an eye on the possessing jinn) or other jinn but NOT in their true and real form. You may see them as animals, like cats or in the form of humans or as black shadows or in a smoky or mist form. They may appear see-through or in a ghost form. Your children or other members of your family may see them as well. You should call the adhan to drive the jinn away, if you see them in the aforementioned forms or as soon as you see furniture or other things in your home being moved around or if you hear doors or windows being banged or slammed or if you hear strange noises or strange animal noises or voices, especially voices calling out your name.

The evidence for this use of adhan is:

Imam Ibn Baaz said (rahimahullaah):

“It is permissible to announce the Adhan upon seeing a spirit or an apparition from the Jinn as related in the Hadith:

When the Jinn try to mislead you (by taking different shapes), hasten to pronounce Adhan (call to Prayer)” [#01].

If someone sees the Jinn, they should announce Adhan, because it rebukes them, as does the remembrance of Allah”

[#01] Related by Ahmad, Musnad, Section on the Hadiths narrated by Jabir ibn `Abdullah, no. 13865

Fatwas of Nur `Ala Al-Darb
Browse by Volume Number > Volume 6 > Book of Salah > Chapter on Adhan and Iqamah > Announcing Adhan for purposes other than Salah.

Also, the evidence for hearing jinn voices or their strange noises and then calling the adhan to drive them away, is taken from Sahih Muslim (kitabus-salah: hadith 755).

This is the Sunnah. You should not read ayatul kursi to drive the jinn away, nor should you read any ruqya with the intention to kill or destroy the external jinn that are outside of our bodies since these jinn are NOT a spiritual disease that we are suffering from. We must remember that ruqya is ONLY for diseases.

You can do something else, other than the adhan to chase jinn away when you find yourself in a situation when the jinn are very close to you, especially at night. You may get up in the middle of the night and notice a dark black figure sitting at the end of your bed or sitting or standing right beside your head or you see the jinn as spiders or insects. In this situation, you should seek refuge in Allah from the shaytan (see dua below) and then blow dry air and spittle, 3 times towards the jinn or jinnee. The dua is:
أَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجيـمِ
A’oothu Billahi minash-shaytanir-rajeem
This blowing is the same blowing we do when we are disturbed by a particular external jinnee named Khinzab in our salah (Muslim: 2203). Therefore, it is a defensive attack to push their evil away and to chase them away.
Using this dua and blowing is not part of the actual actions of salah itself and therefore it has NOT been fixed to just salah so if you find yourself in another context outside of salah and you need to use them to drive jinn away, then you can do that because the Shariah has not fixed this dua and the action of blowing to just salah. This is similar to when we remove with our hands something harmful, such as glass, from the pray mat while we are in salah. This hand movement is not part of the salah itself but we are allowed to do it so that we can complete our salah. Obviously, such hand movements can also be done outside of salah to protect us from harm. Likewise, the dua of seeking refuge and blowing on jinn can be used in situations other than salah to drive jinn away.

You should also recite surahs falaq and nass, once as a pair, as soon as you see or hear jinn activity for your protection. Please see the section above for more details on this use of surahs falaq and nass.

You may find that sleeping with the main lights on in the bedroom, may solve the problem of the appearance of the external jinn, external jinn attacks and other jinn problems in the bedroom, and it may even reduce nightmares. This is based on experience. A sister and a patient of mine used to be regularly visited by an external jinnee at bedtime. I advised that she slept with the main bedroom lights on and walhamdulilah her jinn issue was dealt with.

It seems that the jinn hate the light of daytime and even electrical lights. This is why their activities increase at magrib, hence, we are supposed to bring our children indoors at magrib as mentioned in the Sunnah. It seems the brighter your bedroom lights, the more effective it is as a jinn deterrent so use the brightest light available but it should not be that bright that it will stops you from sleeping. If you do use a very bright light and have trouble sleeping then use a blindfold to cover your eyes.
If you have got jinn activity in other places in your home, other than the bedrooms, then leave the main lights on in those rooms or places and that should stop the jinn activity there by the permission of Allah.


If you want to drive the devils from your home and prevent any from entering, you should read the last 2 ayahs of surah baqrah in your home for 3 nights consecutively (after magrib, anywhere in your home except the toilet). On the third night the jinn will be driven out and none will be allowed to enter.

You can keep repeating this action whenever you need to.

The evidence for this is:

You may find that sleeping with the main lights on in the bedroom, may solve the problem of the appearance of the external jinn, external jinn attacks and other jinn problems in the bedroom, and it may even reduce nightmares. This is based on experience. A sister and a patient of mine used to be regularly visited by an external jinnee at bedtime. I advised that she slept with the main bedroom lights on and walhamdulilah her jinn issue was dealt with.

It seems that the jinn hate the light of daytime and even electrical lights. This is why their activities increase at magrib, hence, we are supposed to bring our children indoors at magrib as mentioned in the Sunnah. It seems the brighter your bedroom lights, the more effective it is as a jinn deterrent so use the brightest light available but it should not be that bright that it will stops you from sleeping. If you do use a very bright light and have trouble sleeping then use a blindfold to cover your eyes.
If you have got jinn activity in other places in your home, other than the bedrooms, then leave the main lights on in those rooms or places and that should stop the jinn activity there by the permission of Allah.


To solve the problem of jinn activity in a house or premises whether via sihr or mischievous jinn, the victim should remove anything haram in house like stolen goods or wine and stop doing anything haram in the house like gambling or listening to music. They should put away photos of humans and animate objects ie shouldn’t be displayed and also remove dogs so that the angels can return, make the adhan in the house, read all of surah baqrah in the place or read the last two ayahs of baqrah for 3 nights consecutively. They should fill a spray bottle with ruqya water and spray around their home and business especially the corners of the walls and ceilings. The water should have surahs falaq and nass read over it, an odd number of times, preferably 7, and with the intention to destroy sihr and jinn. You can put this ruqya water into an aroma therapy diffuser or a similar device and let this ruqya steam spread around the building (this ruqya steam would be better than bukhoor or incense as it seems that jinn consume smoke). They should also search for any taweez in the house or premises and destroy it correctly, if they find one (You can refer to my article and video on this topic). Men should also pray their sunnah prays in their homes and businesses.

You may find that sleeping with the main lights on in the bedroom, may solve the problem of the appearance of the external jinn, external jinn attacks and other jinn problems in the bedroom, and it may even reduce nightmares. This is based on experience. A sister and a patient of mine used to be regularly visited by an external jinnee at bedtime. I advised that she slept with the main bedroom lights on and walhamdulilah her jinn issue was dealt with.

It seems that the jinn hate the light of daytime and even electrical lights. This is why their activities increase at magrib, hence, we are supposed to bring our children indoors at magrib as mentioned in the Sunnah. It seems the brighter your bedroom lights, the more effective it is as a jinn deterrent so use the brightest light available but it should not be that bright that it will stops you from sleeping. If you do use a very bright light and have trouble sleeping then use a blindfold to cover your eyes.
If you have got jinn activity in other places in your home, other than the bedrooms, then leave the main lights on in those rooms or places and that should stop the jinn activity there by the permission of Allah.

We know from experience that it is possible for your house and other inanimate objects to be affected by ayn. We know from experience that your house could have sihr in the form of a liquid on the floors or walls, especially outside your front door or along your footpath to your front door and even your balconies. We know from experience that you could have static jinn on certain parts of your walls especially, in the corners of ceilings and walls. These effects may manifest themselves as strange smells in a room, insects or dead mice in a room, strange markings and defects in the walls or on the floors. Obviously, I cannot mention all the possibilities but you will definitely know when you have experienced a strange and mysterious occurrence. One of the signs of this, is that whenever you rectify the problem, the problem reappears within a short space of time and you cannot find any logical reason why the problem would return. You may have even spoken to some experts such as a pest control company or builder or an engineer but your problem still persists.
If this is your situation then follow the instructions below:
1. Get yourself a spray bottle and fill 3 quarters of it with warm water.
2. Add 3 tablespoons of table salt to this spray bottle and close the lid and shake well untill the salt dissolves.
3. Top up the spray bottle with more water, if it is not filled up.
In the next stage below, you must read ruqya treatment on this solution. The intention for the ruqya treatment on this solution will be: “Asking Allah to destroy any sihr, ayn, jinn and sihr networks”. (It is possible that you may have static jinn on your walls that are connected to you or someone else via a sihr network pathway. We know this via specific ruqya diagnosis. Hence, the inclusion of the sihr network in the intention).
4. Open the spray bottle lid and Read ruqya treatment, with the above intention, into this salt and water solution. Read surah Fatiha 7 times and then lightly blow and spit into the spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle well.
5. Next, with the above intention, Read surahs falaq and nass, as a pair, 7 times and then lightly blow and spit into the spray bottle. Shake the spray bottle well.
6. Next, spray the solution, where the problem exists.

7. You may find that sleeping with the main lights on in the bedroom, may solve the problem of the appearance of the external jinn, external jinn attacks and other jinn problems in the bedroom, and it may even reduce nightmares. This is based on experience. A sister and a patient of mine used to be regularly visited by an external jinnee at bedtime. I advised that she slept with the main bedroom lights on and walhamdulilah her jinn issue was dealt with.

It seems that the jinn hate the light of daytime and even electrical lights. This is why their activities increase at magrib, hence, we are supposed to bring our children indoors at magrib as mentioned in the Sunnah. It seems the brighter your bedroom lights, the more effective it is as a jinn deterrent so use the brightest light available but it should not be that bright that it will stops you from sleeping. If you do use a very bright light and have trouble sleeping then use a blindfold to cover your eyes.
If you have got jinn activity in other places in your home, other than the bedrooms, then leave the main lights on in those rooms or places and that should stop the jinn activity there by the permission of Allah.
8. Keep repeating this above procedure until no more strange effects are seen.


The following advice is NOT for every patient. Some of the advice from the sunnah is generally applicable to everyone but my suggestions are not, so only do those things I recommend when there is a need.

Don’t get disheartened if you keep forgetting to say Bismillah in some situations. Try your best because that is what Allah wants us to always do. If you fail then try again and put your trust in Allah and ask Allah to help you remember. Never get depressed or very sad for failing. The main thing is that you made the intention say Bismillah and you will get rewarded for the intention so don’t let the shaytan make you sad over this.

Don’t overburden yourself with some of the things that I have mentioned. Do those things you can easily do and leave off the rest. It is better to do a little regularly rather than doing a lot once or twice a week.

Please note that none of this advice in the above hadiths is wajib (obligatory) as the scholars say and so you will not be sinful if you do not do it. Obviously, this is applicable to my advice as well.

Let us first mentioned some hadiths on this very important topic:

It was narrated from Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“When the wings of the night spread – or when evening comes – keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time. Then when part of the night has passed, let them go. And close the doors and mention the name of Allaah, for the shaytaan does not open a closed door. And tie up your waterskins and mention the name of Allaah, and cover your vessels and mention the name of Allaah, even if you only put something over them, and extinguish your lamps.”

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (3280) and Muslim (2012).

Muslim (2013) narrated in the same chapter that Jaabir ibn ‘Abd-Allaah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Do not let your animals and children go out when the sun has set, until the first part of the night is over, for the devils come out when the sun sets, until the first part of the night is over.”

What we learn from these hadiths, the sayings of scholars and the experiences of raqis is that:

We can say Bismillah to protect ourselves from the harm of the jinn at anytime and not just at magrib time, although magrib time and night time are more conducive to jinn activity.  This  would not be classed as a bidah as it is always good to say Bismillah before doing any permissible action and at whatever time you do the action, eg starting your car during the night or day, as the scholars have said. We also have to remember the fact that closing doors and windows is NOT a fixed act of worship which is only done at magrib. We all close and open our doors throughout the day and therefore we need to be protected from jinn activity in a house, if there is a need. This understanding that saying Bismillah is not just restricted to magrib or night time, is reflected in the saying of some scholars that allow Muslims to say “Bismillah” whenever discarding hot water down a drain, as it will protect them from any jinn attack. In the fatwa below, Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Al-Baraak was asked about saying Bismillah when discarding hot water and he basically says that it is permissible to do and that is because we already know from the Shariah that remembering Allah at certain times prevents evil from the devils. So he does not see it as a problem and advises people to do it.

In addition to this, there is also the saying of the scholars, in the two fatwas below, about dealing with jinn that steal things from your house and how to deal with that. The scholars advise that we should say Bismillah when closing doors and locking our valuables away in a safe place. They did not say that this was ONLY to be done at magrib even though they use the above first hadith as evidence for this piece of advice ie the above hadith mentions magrib but the scholars did not see that hadith to be restricting the practice of saying Bismillah to only at magrib time.

The basis for these scholars’ advice (ie saying Bismillah to protect from shaytans) is taken from the first above hadith and the hadiths that recommend saying Bismillah before an action. On top of that, we can also add the following part of a hadith:

“And He commands you to remember Allah. For indeed the parable of that, is a man whose enemy quickly tracks him until he reaches an impermeable fortress in which he protects himself from them. This is how the worshiper is; he does not protect himself from Ash-Shaitan except by the remembrance of Allah”. (Tirmidhi: 44/3102: Sahih by Al-Albani: English Ref: Vol 5, Book 42, Hadith 2863).

So there is some Shariah bases for the opinion of the scholars and they did not just make it up as some may have assumed. The scholars were confronted with situations of Muslims being possessed or attacked by jinn when they discarded hot water and others had there valuables stolen by jinn, so then this resulted in the scholars comimg up with the solution of saying Bismillah before doing those actions or any other action that might result in a jinn attack, such as throwing a heavy object to the ground.

After mentioning all of that, we can confidently say that it is good to say Bismillah whenever we encounter or do similar things and we are worried about the evil effect of the jinn. This is corroborated by what Imam Nawawi (rahimullah) said when commenting on the first above hadith, he said: “This hadeeth encourages us to remember Allaah in these cases and other similar situations. Our companions (Shafi scholars) said: It is mustahabb (preferred) to mention the name of Allaah over everything that matters, and to praise Allaah at the beginning of everything that matters, because of the well known hasan hadeeth” (Sharh Muslim: 13/185).

Also in the following fatwa, it says that we should remember Allah and mention his name when starting any action to protect ourselves from the jinn: “And I say: the way to save oneself from this (ie harm of the jinn) is to remember Allah and speak His Name at the beginning of all things, as it was reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to mention Allah in many cases, such as when eating, drinking, mounting his riding-beast, taking off his clothes for any reason, having intercourse and so on…”. Taken from:

This is basically the evidence from Sunnah and the saying of the scholars on this topic of saying Bismillah and this is what I base my opinion on when I suggest saying Bismillah in certain circumstances.

We will now mention below situations that occur in our modern lives and homes, where you can say “Bismillah” so that you can protect yourselves and your families from the harm of the jinn.

1. At magrib, say Bismillah and close the front and back doors and then say Bismillah again and lock them. If the doors are already closed but they have been opened and closed throughout the day without Bismillah, then open them briefly and then say Bismillah and then close them again and then say Bismillah again and lock them. If someone has to go out of a door then after the person has left, make sure one of the occupants of the house, says Bismillah and closes the door and then says Bismillah again and locks the door.

What is mentioned above is also applicable to windows as some scholars say because windows are analogous to doors ie jinn and people can go in and out of windows .

If you do have to open your windows because of the hot weather then do it after the first third of the night is over, as that is when the jinn activities have reduced but if you can keep them closed then that would be better.

What we have mentioned here is also applicable to the doors and windows of the attic, cellar or an outside garden shed, store or even a garage. The same applies to the door that gives access to the roof of the house or building.

If you have to keep a door or window open for some reason but you find that the jinn keep closing it, then say Bismillah and open the door or window.

I remember a case of a brother in a house where the jinn where messing around with the door to the roof of the house. They would bang or shake the door during the night.

I remember another case where a Muslim jinnee spoke through a patient and said that he was sorry for causing problems and that he would like to leave the body of the patient and so he requested that the raqi, who I was with, to a open a window in the lounge, that we were in, so that he could escape from the house. This was done and the jinnee left. From this story and others, we know that jinn can leave via a window and therefore, they can obviously enter through one as well.

2. Keep your children and pets inside the home at magrib so if they are already outside then bring them in immediately and if they are already in the house then don’t let them out. After, the first third of the night is over then they can go out, if there is a need but you shouldn’t let them go out on their own. Ideally, they should be accompanied by an adult and the protection dhikr should be read on them before going outside. (Please see the relevant section in this same article about the protection dhikr that is recited over children)

3. Say Bismillah and turn off all the lights in the house when you finally retire to bed. If you usually leave certain lights on for secruity purposes then make sure these are ceiling lights and they are not lamps that can be knocked over by jinn or a pet or a mouse or a rat as the devils can influence these animals and cause them to knock over a lamp and break the light bulb, which might then start an electrical fire. This is taken from following hadith: Ibn ‘Abbas said:

“A mouse came dragging a wick and dropped before the Messenger of Allah(ﷺ) on the mat on which he was sitting with the result that it burned a hole in it about the size of dirham. He (the prophet) said: When you go to sleep, extinguish your lamps, for the devil guides a creature like this to do thus and sets you on fire”. (Abu Dawood: 5247. Sahih by Al-Albani)
Sometimes the jinn will even affect the ceiling lights so say Bismillah and then turn them off.
If the jinn start playing around with the lights by making them go dim or making them flicker or turning them on and off then say Bismillah and turn the light switch on or off depending on what you want.

4. At magrib, say Bismillah and cover your pots of food or liquids or drinking vessels with a lid or even lay a stick across the top of the pot/vessel, if you don’t have a lid. This will prevent jinn from accessing your food and as the scholars say, it will also stop the entering of a specific yearly disease that descends from the sky and goes into every uncovered pot or drinking vessel. The evidence for this is:

Jabir ibn Abdullah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Cover the vessels and close the water skins, for there will be a night out of the year in which an epidemic descends. It will not pass over an uncovered vessel or an untied water skin but that some of this contagion will fall into it.”

(Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2014)

The above advice is for those things with food and drink that cannot be stored in a fridge or cupboard.

If you can put some of the pots and vessels that have food and drink in them, into the fridge or cupboard then do that and say Bismillah when you close the door. If your fridge or cupboard has a lock then you can say Bismillah and lock it, if you wish.

I would even put my recently washed dishes, plates, pots, cups, glasses, etc, that are on the side of the kitchen sink or rack into their cupboard and then say Bismillah and close the door. I would not leave them out there.

You can even say Bismillah when you last close your fridge or freezer or cupboard at night to prevent access to jinn.

You can access the food after this if there is a need, eg someone having a late dinner but make sure to follow the above instructions once they have finished and then finally say Bismillah and close the kitchen door.

5. If you experience jinn stealing your valuables then place them in a cabinet with lock or a draw with a lock or some kind of container or briefcase or suitcase with a lock then say Bismillah and close it and then say Bismillah again and lock it.

If the jinn take from your purse or wallet or they actually steal the whole wallet or purse from you while you are inside your home or outside or at work then place the wallet or purse in a zipped pocket and then say Bismillah and close the zip.

If they are taking things from your bag or briefcase or handbag at home or outside then say Bismillah and zip it up or close it.

If the jinn are taking things from your rubbish to do sihr on you or you suspect this then say Bismillah and then tie up your rubbish bags. You may use string or anything suitable to do this tying if it is difficult to tie the end of rubbish bag. This tying is particularly important for your nails and hair and other things like soiled tissues or period pads as these things are prime targets for the sahir and his jinn.

NB: For each individual knot you tie, you must say Bismillah and then tie the knot (ie Bismillah is said before you start tying the knot). So you say Bismillah and then you tie the first knot and then you say Bismillah again and then you tie the second, etc.

If you are a raqi then you need to do this with all of your rubbish bags and also teach your family to do this because if the sahir cannot get to you then he will try and do sihr on your family.

If they are undoing the buttons or zips or belts for your clothing or your children’s then say Bismillah and close them. This is also applicable to shoe laces so if they untie a shoe lace then say Bismillah and tie the lace again

What we have just mentioned here is particularly important for those poor Muslims, especially sisters, who get undressed by the jinn. These Muslims need to say Bismillah when they dress and obviously when they undress, which will stop any of the jinn from observing their nakedness.

We know that jinn are able to steal because of the well known hadith of Abu Huraira and the jinn stealing from the store and the fact it has happened to many people as mentioned by the scholars.

6. When you already have jinn in your house (you have seen them in other than their true form) or you have possessed patients in your house then you can follow these same instructions ie saying Bismillah, closing and locking, during the daytime as well because you may need to protect yourself from the harm of these jinn that most people have forgotten about.

7. If you already have jinn in your house or you have possessed patients in your house then get into a habit of ALWAYS saying Bismillah around your home when you close door rooms, windows or anything that has a lid or door (eg oven door). We know of cases where the jinn take over a patient during the night or day and the jinn  “sleep walks” and causes mischief. To prevent this, you need to close and lock certain doors, windows, cabinets and drawers with Bismillah at magrib and during the day. You need to do this, especially with dangerous items such as knives and tools so that the sleep walking patient doesn’t harm himself or others.

8. Sometimes the jinn will completely take over and hijack a patient’s body and run out of the front or back door of the house. To prevent this, the family need to close and lock those doors with Bismillah. The same applies to windows, especially large windows.

I remember a case of a jinnee taking over a patient’s body while the patient is sleeping and then hijacking it and then taking the patient’s body outside the house via the front door and then doing haram with the patient’s body.

I remember another case I was dealing with, where a young sister was possessed and the possessing jinn hijacked her body and they were trying to throw her out of the window after they had opened the window. If I or the family had closed the window with Bismillah then the possessing jinn would not have been able to open it.

9. If you leave your house unoccupied for a holiday or you visit relatives or friends during the year and the house is unoccupied or you live alone and you regularly leave the home unoccupied then you should make sure before you leave the house that you say Bismillah and close all the windows and internal doors to rooms. Then say Bismillah and close and lock the backdoor, if you have one and finally say Bismillah and close and lock the front door, when you have left the house.

10. If you park your car at night or even during the day then say Bismillah before switching off the engine and Bismillah before closing the doors and then say Bismillah before locking them.

When each passenger gets out of the car, they should say Bismillah before closing their door and then leave the locking for the driver. I

If someone forgets to say Bismillah before closing a car door then that door needs to be reopened and closed with Bismillah. This is also applicable to a Non-Muslim.

By doing this inshallah, your car will be protected from jinn or a possessed person with a completely manifested jinn.

11. Just before you retire to bed, go around your home and check that all the doors and windows are closed and locked. You can even close the internal room doors. Before you close any door or window you first say Bismillah and then you close it. After closing it, you say Bismillah again and then you lock it.

If the door or window does not have a lock then do not worry about it and put your trust in Allah as you have mentioned Allah’s name. Locks are not always necessary, especially for certain doors like the sitting room or lounge door.

12. Make sure that any toilet door or bathroom door is closed with the name of Allah.

If the jinn are causing flooding in the house or in any of the bathrooms or toilets or even the kitchen or if they are playing around with the taps then when you have finally finished using a tap or shower, say Bismillah then turn the taps and showers off. The same advice also applies to the tap on a water dispenser or water cooler.

This is also applicable to the taps outside in the garden, if you know the jinn are causing problems there.

If you put hot boiling water down a sink hole or drain then say Bismillah before doing that. Likewise, before dropping or throwing a heavy object to the ground, you should say Bismillah.

If you put your rubbish out then before you drop it into the large shared community bin, you should say Bismillah. This is also applicable to those who live in a high-raise flat or tall building and who put their rubbish into a shoot where the rubbish slides down into a large shared bin.

Even if you don’t share a bin but you put your rubbish into your own large bin or wheelie bin outside your home, you should still say Bismillah before dropping the rubbish into it. This all because the jinn congregate in such filthy places and some even live there.

13. If you are having problems with jinn or possessing jinn accessing your computers or smart phone or putting on the TV or washing machine or other electronics or equipment, then say Bismillah when you switch them off or when you digitally or electronically lock them.

I have received messages from possessing jinn in patients and so has one of my students. Allah had mercy on us and protected us and we were not affected by this in anyway. However, this issue can be quite distressing for some people, especially if the jinn start sending obnoxious messages and things over social media to your friends and contacts.

I remember one jinnee in a patient taking over the Facebook page of the patient and then it sent out messages to people and some people did not believe that it was the jinnee’s fault and so they blamed the patient for rude messages.

14. Those Muslims who are serious about their religion and are not committing major sins should be responsible for following these above instructions for the family so chose those members of the family who are on the deen to carry out the tasks. This is because the saying of Bismillah is a type of dua of help to Allah and Allah only really listens to his pious slaves. The same applies to the morning and evening adhkar and ruqya so if you want Allah’s help then STOP sinning.

15. According to some scholars the word shaytan in the hadith can refer to humans as well as jinn.

Imam Ibn Abd al-Barr (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

In this hadeeth there is a command to close doors of houses at night. This is a Sunnah which is enjoined to protect people against the devils of mankind and the jinn. (Al-Istidhkaar, 8/363).

So when you make your intention before saying Bismillah, make sure you include the shaytans from mankind as well because actions are only based on intentions. This will inshallah protect your house from being broken into.

NB: When we say Bismillah in the above situations, we are saying it as a dua with the intention of asking Allah to protect us from shayateen (devils).

If something has already been closed or turned off, etc without the name of Allah, then simply reopen it or turn it on again for a very brief moment and then say Bismillah and close or turn it off and if it has a lock then say Bismillah and lock it.


What we have done here, is shown you how the hadiths were explained by the scholars and then how their advice regarding different situations can be adapted to deal with NEW situations that we encounter in our modern homes and lives. It may be that you have a situation that I have not covered then please contact me and let me know inshallah.

What we have mentioned here should be done along with your own morning and evening adhkar, the two rakahs of protection pray and the reading of the last two ayahs of surah Baqarah or all of surah Baqrah to drive away jinn. Please refer to the relevant sections in these same notes for information on what I have just mentioned.

You may find that sleeping with the main lights on in the bedroom, may solve the problem of the appearance of the external jinn, external jinn attacks and other jinn problems in the bedroom, and it may even reduce nightmares. This is based on experience. A sister and a patient of mine used to be regularly visited by an external jinnee at bedtime. I advised that she slept with the main bedroom lights on and walhamdulilah her jinn issue was dealt with.

It seems that the jinn hate the light of daytime and even electrical lights. This is why their activities increase at magrib, hence, we are supposed to bring our children indoors at magrib as mentioned in the Sunnah. It seems the brighter your bedroom lights, the more effective it is as a jinn deterrent so use the brightest light available but it should not be that bright that it will stops you from sleeping. If you do use a very bright light and have trouble sleeping then use a blindfold to cover your eyes.
If you have got jinn activity in other places in your home, other than the bedrooms, then leave the main lights on in those rooms or places and that should stop the jinn activity there by the permission of Allah.


One of the things that I have noticed in patients is the feeling of being bored with doing ruqya treatment. Again this is deception from the possessing jinn so that patients stop doing ruqya treatment. At the same time as generating this feeling of boredom in the patients, the jinn will impersonate them in their minds as if they are talking to themselves and say: “I’m really bored and I can’t see how this ruqya is going to cure me. I don’t think I have got the will power to continue. Anyway, I won’t be sinful if I stop ruqya”……..and other sayings like this.

If you are using surahs falaq and nass for treatment, you may find the jinn telling you that these surahs are too short and boring and they are for children. The jinn do this because they know how effective they actually are for self ruqya.

If a patient is feeling this waswaas of boredom then I would suggest they do the following, which seem reduce it:

1. Think of the reward of reading the Quran and pleasing Allah when doing self ruqya.

2. That the feeling of boredom doesn’t mean your ruqya treatment isn’t working.

3. If you are using surahs falaq and nass for self ruqya, then temporarily switch to using others surahs of the Quran with the 7 intentions I describe in the self treatment notes. Once the feeling of boredom goes then go back to using surahs falaq and nass for self ruqya.

4. Change the environment where you do your self ruqya so instead of doing it in the bedroom then do it in the kitchen or garden or on the balcony.

5. Do the self ruqya while you around friends or relatives.

6. Do the self ruqya while walking or standing.

7. If non of the above works for you then you must fight and ignore the waswaas. We can’t just give in and allow the possessing jinn to dictate to us and to control us. You are in a real fight and cannot just give up because you will not get better if you stop your self ruqya.


YOU SHOULD KNOW that as soon as you start doing your ruqya treatment that the jinn in you are going try to attack you mentally and physically especially with waswas to do sins. Your job is to keep patient and ignore the waswaas of feelings and emotions……the possessing jinn need you to do sins so that it can take control of you and then they can make you do whatever action they want such as a divorce……SO PLEASE QUESTION EVERY FEELING OR EMOTION YOU GET as it could come from the possessing shaytan to make you do a sin… for a sister that might be waswaas to make her feel really ugly and unwanted so that she puts on make up or takes off her hijab and then to go outside like that…….if you can’t explain why you are about to do an action THEN DON’T DO IT, as the feeling to do the action is probably waswaas from the possessing jinn.
As a patient, you need to strengthen your heart so please do those actions that softened your heart in the past and made you shed a tear out of fear or love of Allah….everyone is different and therefore each Muslim has a particular deed that really affects them or brings them close to Allah and increases their iman. That action for you might be listening to a certain surah of the Quran by a certain sheikh while you look out of your flat window and remember your past before Islam and how Allah guided you and being thankful to Allah for that OR it might be reading or listening to the seerah OR helping Muslims……and that’s what causes you to cry or to have that warm feeling of love in your heart for Allah…..SO SEARCH FOR THESE ACTIONS AND DO A LOT OF THEM! Because these actions that cause the heart to move will increase your iman and counteract the waswaas and calling to sins that the possessing jinn will inevitably do to you.

Remember as the scholars said the actions of the heart are more important than the actions of the limbs because a person could do many deeds with their limbs but they are rejected by Allah because they were not sincerely done for him ie showing off.

The fear and love of Allah in your heart when you do dhikr is more important than just praying a sunnah pray without any feelings for Allah ie that dhikr that made you cry is better for you than that sunnah pray that didn’t move your heart SO SEARCH FOR THOSE ACTIONS THAT MOVE AND SOFTEN YOUR HEART.


This treatment definitely works by the permission of Allah. You just need to keep using it until Allah cures you.

If you have been using it for over 6 months and still have not been cured by Allah then I suggest that you read my article: “Why Is Your Ruqya Cure Being Delayed”.

I pray to Allah that he cures all those who use this plan and allows them to teach it to other Muslims……and with Allah is the success and cure.

For more information or questions regarding ruqya, you may contact Brother Saeed Abdullah on: