Version: 14th October 2023.
DISCLAIMER: This is from the writer’s own experience. The writer will not be held responsible for any repercussions that may occur if his advice is practiced. Please read the terms of use at the bottom of the page.

I strongly recommend that you visit a professional hijamist or someone who has been trained by professional hijamist and learn how to do hijama on yourself. The other alternative is to attend a reputable hijama course and learn hijama so that you can treat yourself and your family and even your friends.
I was informed of a mother, who is also a consultant physician, treating her adult son with the comprehensive JET treatment or version 2 of the JET. She did it a few times and now he is cured from all spiritual ailments ie sihr, jinn etc.
I believe the results she got were because she was the mother and the dua of a parent is always accepted by Allah because of the hadith below.
I also remembered my own daughter’s case and the fact that I only twice used the comprehensive JET treatment on her, to remove all the ayn illness that she was suffering from. After seeing what happened to this female doctor student of mine and how successfully she treated her own son by the permission of Allah, I now believe that my own daughter’s cure was because I was also the parent of the patient.
If we could just get ALL parents to take up the responsibility of treating their own children whether adult or not, we would see major reductions in the types and number of illnesses out there that are caused by the spiritual ailments, especially cancer and mental illness.
Here is the hadith…….which should encourage ALL parents to treat their children with ruqya and JET.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Three prayers are undoubtedly answered: the prayer of one who is wronged, the prayer of the traveller and the prayer of a parent for his child.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah (3862); classed as saheeh (authentic) by al-Albaani in Silsilat al-Ahaadeeth al-Saheehah (596).
(The overall intention is for the patient and Hijamist wanting the patient to be cured by Allah so he or she can return to worshipping Allah properly again without Jinn)
INTENTIONS for ruqya which are to be read by patients on themselves OR by Hijamist onto patients, (BUT NOT AT THE SAME TIME IN UNISION DUE TO IT BEING A BIDAH:
Ask Allah to……
1. Draw all the Jinn from all around the body into Kahil sunnah point and keep them trapped there (the kahil point is on the upper back – between the top of the shoulder blades. Please do an internet search to see a diagram or photo of this point. All professional hijamists know this area or hijama point, which is also known as the main sunnah point)
2. Kill or destroy Jinn when they arrive at Kahil point via reading ruqya…..basically burning the Jinn to death at Kahil point with ruqya.
3. (When actual hijama process starts ie when you start doing the actual hijama scratches or just before you start doing the scratches or cuts): Expel Jinn out of the kahil point or Push out jinn from the kahil area.
(We have noticed that several people make a mistake of when to start this last intention so because of this, if it is easier for you, you can add this last ruqya intention at the beginning and combine it with intentions 1 & 2.)
Hijamist has 2 EXTRA intentions while doing the actual ACTION of hijama. These 2 intentions can ONLY done by the hijamist and NOT the patient because it is the hijamist who is actually doing the action of hijama and not the patient! Unless the patient is doing self hijama.
Ask Allah to…..
4. Kill or destroy Jinn with every CUT of the blade on Kahil point. (So do many tiny cuts into kahil point as possible)
5. Extract jinn into cup via pumping action of hijama gun.
NB: You should try your best to carry out this treatment on the 17th, 19th or 21st of the Islamic month as it may cure you. You should also try and do this treatment on an empty stomach as it may also cure you ie preferably before eating your breakfast but if you can’t then 4 to 5 hours after a meal. We say this because of the well known hadiths that give this particular advice and which every reputable hijamist knows.
1. Place cup on Kahil point, without pumping, and then remove the cup, so patient knows where Kahil point is and therefore can focus on it during ruqya.
Place the cup back onto the kahil point but this time pump it slightly and leave it for 1 minute so that it leaves a red mark on the skin of the patient so you and the patient can clearly see where the kahil area is. (If the patient is going to read the ruqya then let the patient use a mirror or two so they can see their kahil point on their back. If they are not reading the ruqya then they don’t need to see the kahil point). This marking is important because you need to be precise and focused on the EXACT location of the kahil point while reading ruqya with the necessary JET intentions.
If you have trouble marking the area on the patient’s skin then you may use a pen to draw around the rim of the cup while it sits on the kahil point.
2. Using intentions 1 & 2, patient ONLY reads Surah Falaq & Nass OR Hijamist ONLY reads Surah fatiha for 15 minutes. If the Hijamist offers to do this ruqya on the patient then the patient should accept it as the Nabi (Sallallaahu alayhi Wasallam) accepted ruqya from Jibril (alayhi salam). However, if patient wants to read themselves then the Hijamist should let them.
3. While still reading ruqya, Hijamist places cup onto kahil point and pumps two or three times. Wait 5 minutes.
4. While still reading ruqya, remove cup and hijamist does the cuts using intention number 4.
5. While still reading ruqya, put cup back on and BEFORE Hijamist makes first pump to extract blood, intention 5 must be there. Once actual pumping STARTS, last ruqya intention ‘3’ is applied….so now all THREE ruqya intentions are present while either only the patient or only Hijamist reads ruqya. Let the cup fill with blood for about 2 to 3 minutes.
6. FINALLY, While still reading ruqya with all three intentions, remove cup and dispose of blood and then place cup back onto Kahil point again and repeat STEP 5 FOR THE FINAL TIME i.e The hijama cup only used twice. THAT IS THE END OF THE PROCEDURE.
Whole procedure should take about 25 minutes (15 min for initial ruqya and then 10 mins for hijama + ruqya at same time) and the ruqya is read throughout that time, non stop.
A. Do mass diagnosis after 12 hours to see if patient is still possessed. Watch ‘Practical Self Ruqya Part 1’ on youtube to see how to diagnose Jinn possession.
B. If patient is still possessed after 12 hours but feels the waswaas has really reduced then the patient might be possessed with ONLY dead Jinn. Do a specific mass diagnosis, looking for and using the intention: ‘any dead jinnee or parts of dead jinnee that have died as a result of this hijama/ruqya technique’ – (THIS BEING A VERY SPECIFIC RUQYA: watch ‘Practical Self Ruqya Part 2’ on youtube to see how to perform specific ruqya). If you get a good reaction (i.e the patient clearly feels something or limbs move or any significant reaction after reference point) to that very specific ruqya, then a Jinnee is dead or some Jinn have died or all Jinn are dead in patient or parts of dead Jinn are present because of what the hijama/ruqya has done. (WE CAN WORK OUT WHAT IS THE ACTUAL SITUATION OF THE PATIENT IN TERMS OF NUMBER OF DEAD JINN ETC VIA SPECIFIC RUQYA BUT THAT WOULD MAKE THIS MESSAGE TOO LONG!)
So if the procedure was successful i.e that some Jinn have died as indicated by specific ruqya, then you must repeat the whole procedure in a week’s time as some live Jinn might be left as well. However, before you repeat procedure in a week’s time, you should do a mass diagnosis, as we have seen that dead Jinn in a patient can just naturally leave the body and so the patient might be actually Jinn free in a week’s time and there is no need to repeat the procedure. This would be the case if the procedure killed all the Jinn in the patient by ‘slicing’ them up into pieces i.e some jinn body parts were extracted into cups while other bits of Jinn were left in body.
C. We believe these dead Jinn or dead Jinn body parts either leave patient’s body via urine, faeces or through skin pores.
Before applying this procedure, the Hijamist should ask a Raqi to perform ruqya to see if the jinn is under control or the Hijamists will realise how much control the Jinn has during the 15 minutes of initial ruqya at the beginning of the procedure.
E. This procedure definitely works and if it doesn’t take out the Jinn straight away it most certainly will cause them severe injury. I strongly recommend that Jinn victims get this procedure done on a monthly basis (17, 19 & 21 of islamic month), until they are clear of Jinn. Obviously, they should be doing their regular ruqya along with this JET procedure.
If you are a victim of ayn Jinn then we have not seen any of them being repossessed immediately after the procedure was done. However, If you are a victim of sihr Jinn, then I advise you to take 7 ajwa dates at fajr time, on the day of the procedure and make sure you do your morning adhkar. You should also, before the procedure, apply all over your body olive oil that has had ruqya recited over it, with the intention: ‘O Allah burn/kill the jinn’. This will hopefully stop or make it difficult for new jinn to possess you during or after the JET treatment because if the jinn touch the oil they will get burnt.
We have had a case of repossession with new sihr Jinnee after the procedure had killed a sihr Jinnee in a patient. I recommended to this patient to read ruqya on the sihr network to destroy it. I said this to him because this new Jinnee was full of energy and had not been injured by any ruqya and so it might just escape from his body once the sihr network collapses. He did this and he became jinn free within a few days, walhamdulilah. SO IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT SIHR JINN VICTIMS READ ON THE SIHR NETWORK, IDEALLY BEFORE GETTING THE JET PROCEDURE DONE. I know many have questioned the importance of reading ruqya on the sihr network but this case clearly shows that having knowledge of the sihr network helps patients and can stop a sahir from sending more Jinn, once the sihr network collapses.
If you find that you are still connected to a sihr network OR you are a sihr patient but are unsure if you are actually connected to a sihr network OR you are suffering from more than one spiritual illness then I strongly recommend that you do Version 2 or the Comprehensive JET treatment as this will deal with the sihr network and other spiritual diseases at the same time.
F. Please note that killing the Jinn via JET may cause temporary loss of memory, sight or hearing in the patient. These will return in’sha’Allah after the patient has had a good sleep.
G. Since the the JET technique is very effective at killing and injuring jinn (by the permission of Allah!), I would strongly recommend that you give some sort of warning to the possessing jinn before you actually do the JET technique because of what Ibn Taymiyah says about warning possessing jinn:
Ibn Taymiyah said (Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 19/42): “When the jinn attack a person, they should be told of the rulings of Allah and His Messenger, proof should be established against them, and they should be commanded to do what is good and told not to do what is evil, just as should be done in the case of people, as Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): ‘And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger (to give warning)’ [al-Israa’ 17:15].” Then he said: “If the jinn does not leave after being addressed in this manner, then it is permissible to rebuke him, tell him off, threaten him and curse him, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did with the Shaytaan when he came with a falling star to throw it in his face, and the Messenger (sall Allahu alayhi wasallam) said: “I seek refuge with Allah from you and I curse you with the curse of Allah” – three times. (Narrated by al-Bukhaari). (
H. If you want to work out the number of any type of jinn in the patient, be they dead or alive, then please refer to point ‘NB: 6’ in my article ‘7 Rules for Specific Ruqya’, which is in the notes section after I mention the 7 rules for specific ruqya:
Obviously this should be done before and after the JET in order to work out how successful the JET was. If you don’t have time to check for the number of jinn then at least check to see if the patient is possessed with jinn that are alive before the JET and then after the JET check to see if the patient has dead jinn that were caused by the JET you just did.
BEFORE doing the JET you must check to see if the patient is possessed with live jinn. Once you have done that then you may find the following intentions useful after the JET procedure. (THESE INTENTIONS OCCUR IN YOUR HEART AND ARE NOT UTTERED OR SAID. JUST LIKE OUR INTENTIONS FOR PRAYER. If you are doing JET on yourself then modify the intentions appropriately):
1. O Allah show us if the patient as any live injured jinnee in them that was caused by the JET I just did… we want Allah to attack with ruqya any injured live jinnee with ruqya.
2. O Allah show us if the patient has any dead jinn in them that was caused by the JET I just did…… we want Allah to attack with ruqya any dead jinnee
3. O Allah show us if the patient has in them any dead jinn body parts or bits of dead jinn that were caused by the JET… we want Allah to attack with ruqya any dead jinn parts.
You may find that after the JET treatment, that you have to read the ruqya diagnosis for the above 3 intentions a bit longer than when you did it for normal live jinn (ie jinn that hasn’t experienced JET before). So if you usually got reactions after 5mins with normal jinn, after the JET, the same jinn may take upto 10mins or more before it reacts to the ruqya diagnosis. The same rule applies to sihr jinn that have been disconnected from a sihr network. We find that these disconnected sihr jinn take longer to react to ruqya diagnosis. Hence, the importance of reading ruqya diagnosis for longer, especially when you have put the possessing jinn through serious trauma.
You may react to ALL 3 of the above intentions and that is if you suffer with more than just one jinnee. If that is the case then you must continue with JET until you no longer react to any of them, especially the first intention. You must keep doing JET until you no longer react to any type of live jinnee in you. It is easier to deal with dead jinn and dead jinn parts rather than live jinn.
We had a case recently where the patient only reacted to intention number 3 so you need to be aware of this ie there were no injured jinn or dead jinn in the patient but rather body parts and bits of dead jinn. What exactly that looks like is IRRELEVANT! All we need to know is that the procedure was so successful that it basically shredded and cut up the jinn into pieces that can no longer be described as complete or whole jinn.
If all 3 of these intentions are negative then do general jinn possession diagnosis on the patient ie ‘O Allah show us if the patient has in them any live jinn that was NOT affected by the JET’
If that was negative as well then finally do this one ‘O Allah show us if the patient has in them any dead jinn that was not caused by the JET’
Remember, if you get any reactions for dead jinn or dead jinn body parts but negative results for all types of live jinn then the dead jinn will clear from the patient’s body in 3 to 7 days or less inshallah. You can check the patient daily or ask them to do the checking.
It is possible that the dead jinn or dead jinn body parts may not clear after 7 days. If this happens then please try to locate them via specific ruqya and then remove them by using Version 3 of the JET. If you can’t locate them with specific ruqya diagnosis then use Version 1 of the JET to remove them and treat them as if they are live moving jinn ie when you make the intentions see the dead jinn as if they are alive but obviously they are dead. Please note that the jinn may leave your body naturally after 2 – 4 weeks but if you can’t wait then just do another JET Version 1. The difference between some patients dead jinn leaving after 3 to 7 days and others taking longer, say more than 2 weeks, could be due to the number of dead jinn that are present. So if you have more than one dead jinnee, lets say 10, then your 10 dead jinn will take longer to clear than 1 dead jinnee.
I. We have noticed a few patients complaining about a nervous feeling or butterflies in the stomach after the JET procedure. This feeling can be quite distressing for patients especially if they are children or elderly. This can be caused by live injured jinn or or dead jinn body parts. We know this because we have conducted specific ruqya diagnosis and got positive results for these. This feeling can also be caused by dead jinn. This feeling will clear in a day or two if it is caused by dead jinn or dead jinn body parts. If it is caused by live injured jinn then the QUICKEST way to get rid of it (and which I have done on patients) is to do the procedure again. You may select an area on the back which is just below the kahil point as the kahil area will obviously be too sore for another JET. Once you do the JET again in this area, this should clear the jinn and remove this nervous or butterflies feeling.
J. Sometimes or on rare occasions, when a raqi reads specific ruqya diagnosis on patients, especially children below puberty and the elderly, it can be very difficult to work out any of the above states of the jinn (ie dead jinn, damaged jinn etc) because the patient can’t feel any real difference between the reference point and the reading of the ruqya diagnosis. This is because of the lack of experience on the part of the patient OR the patient is so stressed and overwhelmed with being possessed that they can’t think straight and do the ruqya diagnosis properly OR it can be because of both reasons. Now, ruqya diagnosis always works as I have said before in other places and there is definitely a difference between the reference point and the actual reading of the ruqya diagnosis itself. However, if a person lacks ruqya diagnosis experience or is just too stressed then they will not be able to feel or even articulate this difference. In such cases, it might be better to train the patient to do self specific ruqya diagnosis to work out the state of their possessing jinn after the JET treatment because self ruqya is always stronger and better than a raqi’s ruqya.
I remember one case I was dealing with, where I had done the JET the day or week before and then the following day or week, I returned to the same patient and I wanted to work out the state of the possessing jinn after the JET that I had performed. Sadly, I couldn’t do that because the possessing jinn were overly reacting and jumping around in the patient’s body, just because of my presence and my voice. When I told the patient to establish their reference point, they couldn’t do it properly because when I did the specific ruqya diagnosis, they didn’t feel any real difference and that is because they were NOT experienced enough and were too stressed ie not mentally focused during the diagnosis. To cut a long story short, I knew that I was still dealing with live possessing jinn because they were reacting to my voice so I decided to just administer another JET and abandoned doing any specific ruqya diagnosis because the patient couldn’t establish their reference point. Walhamdulilah, the next JET I performed killed off all the jinn in the patient’s body (ie the patient no longer reacted to live jinn). This is what you should do if you face a similar situation ie sometimes, it is better to leave off the specific ruqya diagnosis and just treat the patient with another JET.
One thing I learnt from this above case, was the fact that the phenomenon of jinn possession for some people is just too much to handle or bear mentally and physically, and we must as raqis, treat them with due care and not belittle them or disregard their feelings and emotions. We should NOT expect them to behave normally like ourselves. As a Raqi, unfortunately, I sometimes forget how being a patient used to be.
K. Walhamdulilah, through this JET treatment and the modify version of it that I describe in the article ‘How Allah Cured Me’, people, including myself, have been cured! You just have to keep repeating the process. Some patients only need one or two treatments but others may need more than that. If the hijamist is going to charge then this will obviously reduce the barakah. It is not haram to charge but it is better NOT to charge your poor brother who is suffering from jinn possession and use that when you call on Allah ie ‘O Allah I’m doing the JET for your sake to help your slave improve is worship of you because jinn possession affects a muslims deen’. Surely Allah hears that and no one can say it is better to charge. I never charge whenever I have done the JET treatment on patients and I believe that this extra intention of helping my oppressed brothers and children is the key to my successful JET outcomes.
L. Those of you who tried it and they feel that it did not work for them then they must answer 3 questions:
1. Did YOU or the HIJAMIST follow the procedure exactly as how I describe and with ALL the intentions in the right order?
2. Are you still sinning because your ruqya or hijama won’t be effective? We need Allah’s help and you CAN’T fully get Allah’s help if you are sinning!
3. Did you do post JET specific ruqya diagnosis to see how successful your JET treatment was?
The only way you can say that it did not work for you is when the post JET ruqya diagnosis showed that it did not work so please don’t say it didn’t work until you do that!
We have seen that those people whose affliction is due to Allah testing them, they always have successful JET treatments but then afterwards Allah sometimes tests them again with more jinn. We believe that they are just being tested and that they will learn from the experience and teach other patients.
It might be that you have to keep repeating the procedure several times before you clear the jinn.
If you are suffering from sihr then you need to be reading on the sihr network prior to the JET treatment because if the sihr network is still active then the sahir might send more jinn to you. Once you disconnect from the sihr network then the JET procedure will be more successful inshallah. For those who feel that ruqya on the sihr network is a bidah then please read this:
M. You can do this JET treatment on yourself without a raqi or hijamist. Instead of placing the hijama cup on your kahil point, you will put it on the lower part of your breastbone in the middle of your chest (see photo below) and you should recite surahs falaq and nass instead of surah fatiha. Obviously, the intentions and the rest of the procedure stay the same. You can see a demonstration of this Self JET on this video of mine at 1 hour and 17 minutes:

N. You can watch a demonstration of the JET that I perform on one of my students on this video at 20 minutes:
For one year or so I was waiting for the ayn to gather in a particular place on her body so that I could remove it with version 3 of the JET, like I did on myself but the specific ruqya diagnosis showed that it was not in a particular place.
So please don’t wait for the spiritual ailment to gather and become static in a particular area in the body …..just do the comprehensive JET treatment.
Also, those who are finding specific ruqya diagnosis difficult to do then just do the comprehensive JET….because with comprehensive JET treatment you don’t have to find exactly where jinn, ayn, sihr or waswaas conditioning are in the body.
This improvement to the original JET treatment, that I describe below, can be used for JET Versions 1 and 2. This improvement may not be suitable for patients with sensitive skin since the hijama cup has to be left on the skin for 15mins. If your skin can’t withstand a pressurised hijama cup for 15mins then please just do the original JET treatment.
(In order to see if a patient’s skin can handle a pressurised hijama cup, please put a hijama cup on a neutral area of the patient’s back, below the kahil point (or the front of your breastbone on your chest, if you are doing self hijama) and pump the cup, once or one a half times and then leave it for 15mins. KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE SKIN UNDER THE CUP. If you notice during these 15mins, a clear liquid forming on the skin under the cup which looks like sweat or you notice blisters forming or any other skin reaction THEN DON’T DO THE JET IMPROVEMENT PROCEDURE. If you are doubt then please consult a reputable professional hijamist)
This JET improvement is quicker at drawing in the jinn from around the body and better at trapping them. In fact, if the hijamist stops reading the ruqya, the trapped jinn, that have already arrived in the cup, find it difficult to escape. Previously or with the original JET, if the ruqya is stopped then the jinn quickly return to the lower body or limbs.
STEP 1. Apply some ruqya olive oil with all the JET ruqya intentions to the Kahil point. You can prepare this olive oil by reading the ruqya JET intentions into it using surah Fatiha X3 or X7 (if you are doing it in someone else) or surahs falaq and nass X3 or X7 (if you are doing it for yourself)
STEP 2. Place the hijama cup on the kahil point that has already been oiled. Pump the hijama gun pump once or one and half times with the intentions of asking Allah to draw all the spiritual ailments to the cup and also trapping all spiritual ailments in the cup. LEAVE THE CUP IN PLACE FOR 15 MINS.
STEP 3. Read the JET ruqya with all of the necessary ruqya intentions for 15mins. (including ruqya intention 3 ie expelling or pushing out the spiritual ailments into the cup). Please occasionally check the inside of the cup while you read the ruqya so as to make sure no blisters are forming. From the outside, if they are actually forming in the cup then they will look like droplets of clear liquid or sweat.
STEP 4. After 15mins of ruqya and while still reading ruqya….Pump the hijama gun once or twice with the same intentions as in STEP 2 and THEN WAIT 1 TO 2 MINUTES.
STEP 5. While still reading ruqya, Remove the cup and then do the hijama scratches or cuts with the necessary JET intentions. After doing all of that, you can NOW GO BACK AND JUST FOLLOW THE REST OF JET VERSION’S 1 PROCEDURES, IE CONTINUING FROM STEP 5 OF JET VERSION 1 DIRECTIONS THAT ARE MENTIONED ABOVE.
1. The patient might feel faint while the ruqya is being read and the hijama cup is on them. If the patient is not doing major sins, then we see this as a good sign ie that the procedure is working effectively because the ruqya treatment is attacking the spiritual disease. This is a sign from Allah.
If you think the patient is about to faint, you should help them lie down or sit with their head between their knees and continue the procedure with the patient in this new position.
If this doesn’t help much then, reduce the pressure in the cup slightly. If that doesn’t help then just read the ruqya for as long as the patient can handle the situation and then remove the cup and then start doing the hijama scratches.
Next time, try and do the JET Improvement Procedure for a little longer, and then after that, regularly do it until the patient can handle the full 15mins of ruqya.
2. If the patient faints then you should immediately STOP the procedure and allow the patient to recover by resting. LIE them down, in a position where their head is low and their legs are raised. This will encourage blood flow to their brain. If it is not possible to lie down, then they should sit with their head between their knees.
Again, if the patient is not doing major sins then this fainting is a good sign.
3. A patient might find a particular area on their body, other than the kahil point, that causes them a lot of reactions when they do JET Improvement there. The patient should target this specfic area regularly with the JET Improvement. If the patient is NOT doing major sins then their JET Improvement reactions for this specific area are a very good sign ie the procedure is working.
In the last section, I described how to improve the JET treatment ie “The JET IMPROVEMENT PROCEDURE”. In this section, I want to describe how we can combine the JET Improvement Procedure with the green laser treatment.
Before doing this procedure, please consult a doctor.
You will need a 5mW green laser pointer to do this treatment.
1. At the end of “STEP 2” of the aforementioned JET Improvement Procedure, and just before reading the ruqya for 15mins: MAKE the intention of “Asking Allah to destroy with the laser ALL the spiritual ailments including ALL THE JINN AND SIHR & HASD NETWORKS so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again”, THEN POINT or SHINE the green laser beam through the hijama cup and onto the skin, making sure you move the laser beam around the whole area ie don’t keep it fixed in one place as we need to affect all the spiritual ailments in the whole area under the hijama cup. When you have finished reading the ruqya for 15mins, then put laser down.
2. If you have someone to help you then let him or her shine the green laser onto the skin while you do the hijama cuts or scratches. The person who helps you should make the laser follow the blade as it is scratching or cutting the skin. Ideally, the laser should be shone at the exact point of scratching or cutting, or as close as possible.
Here is a short video describing this procedure:
Recently, I spoke to one of my students who is also a professional hijamist and I asked him if it is possible to do the JET on a daily basis or every other day. He said that this would only be possible if the patient used the smallest hijama cup possible, used different skin areas of the body and that they only extracted a very small amount of blood eg 5ml or one teaspoon or the amount of blood you take out in a month, divided by 30 (days).
NB: Instead of doing it everyday or every other day, you could try thrice a week as explained in the video update at the beginning of this article.
There is no doubt that the more JET that you do, the better it is for you. The only thing that is really preventing you from doing a daily JET is the amount of blood that you remove, too much blood removal can kill you! SO BEFORE DOING JET TREATMENT ON A DAILY BASIS OR EVERY OTHER DAY – PLEASE SPEAK TO A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL OR DOCTOR.
In the video below, I explain the JET Version 4. To appreciate what I say, you must understand how to do JET Version 2 and the JET Improvement Procedure. Please refer to the previous sections of this article to understand these two treatments.
This procedure is primarily for those patients who are unable to perform the hijama part of the JET treatment because of an illness or not knowing how to do self hijama or not being able to find a hijamist. It is for ALL spiritual ailments, not just possessing jinn. It can also be used by other patients who don’t have any issues with hijama but want to try something different.
I have taken this from the same patient of mine who told me about the mushroom treatment. He said to me that since he couldn’t get JET treatment done he decided to do a Half-JET with just the ruqya part of the JET and instead of doing hijama cuts, he would apply his saliva to the area where the ruqya had gathered the spiritual ailments. When he would apply his saliva to the area of skin where the spiritual ailments had collected, he would get a very huge reaction from the possessing jinn that had entered him via hasd.
We already knew from the sunnah that this saliva that is used in ruqya is very powerful and potent so I was not too surprised at how the brother’s jinn had reacted.
Considering what he told me about the mushrooms and how successful that treatment was, I decided to write up what he did, with some slight improvements, so that others could benefit.
1. Identify any area on the lower part of your breastbone about the size of a small hijama cup. The main thing here is to keep focused on the same area and not to forget it during ruqya. If it helps, you can circle the area using a pen.
2. Your main intention is that you are doing this procedure so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again.
Read ruqya treatment (using Surah fatiha for reading on patients or surahs falaq and nass for self ruqya) for 15 minutes with the following intentions:
Asking Allah…..
A. To draw all the spiritual ailments to your specific area
B. To trap all the spiritual ailments in your specific area.
C. To destroy all the spiritual ailments in your specific area.
D. To expel or push out all of the spiritual ailments from your specific area.
3. After 15 minutes, with the intention of asking Allah to destroy all the spiritual ailments that have gathered in your specific area so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again, SPIT air and saliva onto your specific area 3 TIMES.
5. Whilst the area is still moist with your saliva, with the intention of asking Allah to destroy all the spiritual ailments in your specific area so that you can get back worshipping Allah properly again, VIGOROUSLY RUB the saliva into the area using your index finger, making sure your intention to destroy is there and that you RUB for around a minute or until the saliva disappears.
6. You can repeat this procedure as much as you want, preferably on a daily basis, especially if you aren’t doing the JET treatment.
Before doing this procedure, please consult a doctor.
You will need a 5mW green laser pointer to do this treatment.
This treatment can be used by ALL patients and it is not just intended for those who can’t do the JET hijama treatment.
This treatment is an improvement to the Alternative JET treatment because it combines the benefits of the Half-JET treatment with the benefits of the green laser treatment.
The laser beam is pointed directly at the place where the spiritual ailments, including jinn, have been gathered by the ruqya treatment. There is NO escape for the possessing jinn from the effects of the laser beam. With the normal green laser treatment, the jinn might escape to another part of the body when they get hit by the laser beam but they can’t do that with this procedure and that it is why it is much more effective!
Since the spiritual ailments are all related, we feel that the laser will also have an effect on all of them and not just jinn so that is why this is reflected in the intention when using the laser ie “destroy ALL spiritual ailments including jinn” versus the previous, just “destroy All Jinn”.
1. Identify any area on the lower part of your breastbone about the size of a small hijama cup. The main thing here is to keep focused on the same area and not to forget it during ruqya. If it helps, you can circle the area using a pen.
2. Your main intention is that you are doing this procedure so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again.
Read ruqya treatment for 15 minutes with the following intentions:
Asking Allah…..
A. To draw all the spiritual ailments, including ALL jinn, to your specific area
B. To trap all the spiritual ailments in your specific area.
C. To destroy all the spiritual ailments in your specific area.
D. To expel or push out all of the spiritual ailments from your specific area.
3. While still reading ruqya, After 15 minutes, with the intention of asking Allah to destroy all the spiritual ailments that have gathered in your specific area so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again, SPIT air and saliva onto your specific area 3 TIMES.
5. Now, with the intention of “Asking Allah to destroy with the laser all the spiritual ailments including ALL THE JINN AND SIHR & HASD NETWORKS so that you can get back to worshipping Allah properly again”, POINT or SHINE the green laser laser beam directly onto your bare skin in your specific area for ONLY 1 min, making sure you move the laser beam around the whole area ie don’t keep it fixed in one place as we need to affect all the spiritual ailments in the whole area. When you have finished, put laser down.
6. After finishing with laser, whilst still reading ruqya and the area is still moist with your saliva and with the intention of “asking Allah to destroy with the rubbing of your skin all the spiritual ailments in your specific area so that you can get back worshipping Allah properly again”, VIGOROUSLY RUB the saliva into the area using your index finger, making sure your intention “to destroy” is there in your heart and that you RUB for around a minute or until the saliva disappears.
7. You can repeat this procedure as much as you want, preferably on a daily basis, especially if you aren’t doing the JET treatment.
8. Please send me your feedback regarding this above method.
For more information:
Saeed Abdullah